The role of computational intelligence in developing countries

Sheffield Hallam University

This one day conference is being organised by a group of SHU doctoral researchers. Computational Intelligence for Societal Development in Developing Countries (CISDIDC) will explore how computational intelligence can be applied to address challenges faced by developing nations. For more information, see the conference flyer: CISDIDC Official Flyer v5

The Hallam Academic: Developing your Teaching and Research under the new strategy

Peak Lecture Theatre (City)

The conference begins with keynote overviews of the university strategy from the University's Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research and Innovation, Professor Paul Harrison and the University's new Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Student Experience, Professor Christina Hughes. Then some of the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) opportunities available at Sheffield Hallam are highlighted and how they fit into and help you … Continue reading The Hallam Academic: Developing your Teaching and Research under the new strategy

Break-up: SHU Postgraduate Research Students’ Society Conference 2017

Sheffield Hallam University Students' Union 6 Paternoster Row, Sheffield

The Postgraduate Research Students' Society Conference 2017 will be taking place in the Students' Union on 1st and 2nd June. The two day multi-disciplinary conference will include presentations from 28 postgraduate students from Sheffield Hallam and other universities from across the country, under the theme of "Break-up: Separations, Estrangements, Disjunctions." The event will also include two … Continue reading Break-up: SHU Postgraduate Research Students’ Society Conference 2017

Deadline for Impact 2018 abstracts

IMPACT 2018 is a conference exploring the impact research makes to society.  This year all doctoral researchers at SHU are invited to participate.  All C3Ri researchers must present at IMPACT at least once in their PhD career as it is an essential part of training.  All doctoral researchers are welcome to participate in more than one.  If you are … Continue reading Deadline for Impact 2018 abstracts

IMPACT 2018 Training – The Confident Presenter

Cantor 9135 (City)

This training will support your presentation skills for the IMPACT conference (and others). This workshop explores the practical science and art of presenting - for academia, for employability, for life: how identifying your audience affects how and what you present how preparation is crucial: your facts, your media, yourself how confidence underpins everything how practice … Continue reading IMPACT 2018 Training – The Confident Presenter