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Deadline for Impact 2018 abstracts

2 April 2018 @ 13:00

IMPACT 2018 is a conference exploring the impact research makes to society.  This year all doctoral researchers at SHU are invited to participate.  All C3Ri researchers must present at IMPACT at least once in their PhD career as it is an essential part of training.  All doctoral researchers are welcome to participate in more than one.  If you are a doctoral researcher and would like to participate please submit an abstract by 1300 on Monday 2 April 2018. If you are a research supervisor, please encourage your student to present and give guidance with their abstract.

More information can be found here: https://blogs.shu.ac.uk/doctoralschool/c3ri-doctoral-conference-impact-2018/

Abstract guidance for research students

Submission deadline: Monday 2 April by 1300

Send to: b.shaw@shu.ac.uk

The abstract should be a maximum of 300 words, summarising a 15-minute presentation.  It should be in English that is intelligible to others outside of your discipline.  If you need to use subject-specific terminology then you need to provide definitions in the body of the text.

The abstract must address the theme of the conference: impact.  To do this you will probably need to briefly describe the aims of your research, then move on to explore how you consider the likely or actual impact of your research.  To do this you might want to discuss

  • How you are conceiving the ‘beneficiaries’ and how the work might impact upon them?
  • What do you want to change?
  • What impact might your work already have had and how can you identify this?
  • Is there a relationship between academic publishing- conferences, journals etc, and social and economic impact?
  • What affect might you want your work to have, and what strategy could you devise to make sure it achieves this impact?
  • What strategies have other researchers used to generate impact for their work and how might you draw on these?
  • How might technology and social media be used to generate or understand impact?
  • What are the different types of evidence of impact and might some be considered ‘better’ than others?
  • How might we understand the difference between user engagement and public engagement?
  • Have you considered the different forms of audiences for your findings – citizens and professionals?
  • Offering new ways to understand or challenge notions of impact

There are two scheduled training sessions to help you prepare your presentation for IMPACT.

15 March 2018 – IMPACT training

10 April 2018 – The Confident Presenter


2 April 2018
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