The Research Skills toolkit is made up of five core programmes: Becoming a Researcher, Ethical Research, Research Methods, Disseminating your Research, and Beyond Research. Each programme is designed to align with a different stage in a postgraduate’s research journey, and you can find out more about this in the Researcher Journey video below.

To access the programmes listed below you will need to register for an account at your email address and enter the relevant token 1b54d4f6. You do not need to pay for these programmes. Please see here for details on how to do this. The hyperlinks below will work once you are logged in (they work best in Chrome, Firefox or Edge).

Becoming a Researcher

This programe will equip you with the knowledge, skills, and understanding you need to begin your research journey with confidence providing a solid understanding of Intellectual Property and the efficient management of your research project and supervisor(s) relationship.

Ethical Research

This programme offers training in the core skills you will need to become an ethical researcher, examining the fundamental principles of research ethics. The programme includes a grounding in ethical values, decision-making and challenges, as well as the practical applications of ethics during a research project, such as working with human participants, approvals, confidentiality, and consent.

Research Methods

This programme provides you with multidisciplinary training in all aspects of research methods – from undertaking a literature review, collecting, protecting, managing and interpreting data, to sharing findings.

Disseminating your Research

This programme helps you to understand the best ways to communicate your research, from navigating the publishing world to maximising potential at conferences by using new digital tools that enhance research impact in the wider world.

Beyond Research

This programme will support you through the challenges of transitioning from a doctorate to life beyond your current research. It will encourage you to translate your experience into innovation and enterprise, and to reflect on how your career can impact the wider world in a positive way.

Further Information

To find out more about the courses and modules which make up the programmes listed above please click on the appropriate image below.

All images are the copyright of Epigeum.