PGR wellbeing focus group – ONLINE session for students and supervisors

Online via Zoom

The event is intended to enable a detailed discussion around PGR wellbeing and to hear from the perspective of students and supervisors We will firstly feedback to the group as a whole (Students and Supervisors) of some of the activities we have implemented to support PGR wellbeing over the last 2 years and sign post … Continue reading PGR wellbeing focus group – ONLINE session for students and supervisors

PhD Resilience Workshop


PhD study is a long haul and requires vision, purpose, resilience, and motivation.   Does your resilience and motivation fluctuate?  Do you get nervous when submitting your drafts for comment?  Do you feel deflated, upset or frustrated when you get your supervisory feedback, and do you sometimes get conflicting views which you need to integrate? … Continue reading PhD Resilience Workshop