SHU PGR peer mentoring EoI deadline

We are launching the SHU PGR Peer Mentoring initiative to help address feelings of isolation amongst PGRs and facilitate that all-important peer support. Further information is on the Peer Mentoring Info Site and the deadline to register your interest as a mentor and/or mentee is the end of Friday 19 March 2021.

RSP: Building and Managing Relationships with Candidates – PLUS Introduction to the Research Passport Scheme (RSP)

Online via Zoom

The quality of your relationship with doctoral candidates can be crucial to the progress of doctoral projects. There are some common student: supervisor relationship issues for doctoral supervisors in all disciplines. In this session, we will highlight:   the increased diversity of the doctoral candidate population and recognise its implications for supervision the importance of … Continue reading RSP: Building and Managing Relationships with Candidates – PLUS Introduction to the Research Passport Scheme (RSP)

RSP: Managing the Supervisor/Supervisor Partnership- EVENT POSTPONED

Online via Zoom

At SHU we carry out PGR supervision in teams.  This can enhance the experience of doctoral candidates by reducing their reliance upon a single individual.  It can give students access to a broader range of expertise and support.  It can also provide on-the-job peer support to supervisors.  However, the involvement of more than one supervisor … Continue reading RSP: Managing the Supervisor/Supervisor Partnership- EVENT POSTPONED

RSP: Developing Student Writing Skills and How to Produce Doctoral Student Feedback

Online via Zoom

All forms of doctorate require some written work to be produced.  Students need to be able to articulate what they are thinking, to reflect upon their findings, and to gain feedback.  However, students may need encouragement and support from their supervisors to be able to write confidently and effectively.  Feedback on written work also needs … Continue reading RSP: Developing Student Writing Skills and How to Produce Doctoral Student Feedback