Induction Session for new PGR Students in SERI

On campus - venue TBC

This session is aimed at students beginning their studies in the October 2022 block and registering with the Social & Economic Research Institutes (SERI).  Invitations to attend this session will be sent directly by the SERI PGR Admin team.

CHEFS: Food, Economic Imaginaries, and Entrepreneurship

This session is open to all staff; Mid Career Researchers (MCRs); Early Career Researchers (ECRs); Supervisors; Post Graduate Research Students (PGRs); The CHEFS (Culture, Health, Environment, Food and Society) research group at Sheffield Hallam University is delighted to host a series of online research talks exploring the socio-cultural dimensions of food and drink. Talks are … Continue reading CHEFS: Food, Economic Imaginaries, and Entrepreneurship