LRST: Reference Management and RefWorks


Introduction to using RefWorks to manage references. Session open to Post Graduate Research Students (PGRs) and all staff Book your place via UniHub RDF sub-domain(s):  A1 - Knowledge Base; C2 - Research Management;

GrantCraft Workshop: Fundamentals of Grant Writing

Delivered by specialists in grant writing, GrantCraft, this workshop will help you develop the skills and expertise needed to tackle the grant development process with increased confidence and knowledge. The session will introduce the process of research funding from the initial generation of an idea through to submission and the review process. It will help … Continue reading GrantCraft Workshop: Fundamentals of Grant Writing

CCRI: RF2 Workshop


This session is for CCRI PGRs only.  It will be led by Dr Kathy Doherty   At the session we will: Discuss assessment requirements, assessment criteria, process, deadlines, and outcomes including what happens if you don’t pass on first attempt Discuss what to expect at the CCRI RF2 symposium and how to approach preparation for … Continue reading CCRI: RF2 Workshop

GrantCraft Workshop: Strategies for Successful Targeted Proposals

This session is aimed at SHU staff, but is not appropriate for PGRs and ECRs. Delivered by funding specialists GrantCraft, this workshop is specifically designed for academics who would like to apply for significant (>£100k) grant funding from funders such as UK Research Councils (particularly focused on BBSRC, MRC, and EPSRC), National Institute for Health … Continue reading GrantCraft Workshop: Strategies for Successful Targeted Proposals

CCRI: A guide to Ethics and Ethics Review for CCRI PGRs

On Campus

This session is for CCRI PGRs only. Session led by Dr Ruth Deller. It will cover: a) ethics principles and considerations with specific reference to the CCRI context b) PGR ethics training and project approval requirements c) nuts and bolts of application for ethics approval and review via Converis including how and when to apply … Continue reading CCRI: A guide to Ethics and Ethics Review for CCRI PGRs

Is there space for farmers’ voice in the food supply chain? (Joint CHEFS Research Seminar & DSSM Distinguished Lecture)

Online via Zoom

Is there space for farmers’ voice in the food supply chain? A story-telling/listening experiment with Indian farmers and UK- based consumers Presenter:  Dr Maria Touri Facilitator:  Dr Jennifer Smith Maguire The UN’s agenda for the 17 Sustainable Development Goals is heavily focused on the economic, environmental, and social resilience of Southern farming communities.  Yet, subjective … Continue reading Is there space for farmers’ voice in the food supply chain? (Joint CHEFS Research Seminar & DSSM Distinguished Lecture)

Research Ethics Reviewer Training


Intended Audience:  all research-active members of staff, plus all doctoral researchers (except those in their first year, who aren't eligible to be reviewers yet) across all research institutes.   Ethics training session for all SHU reviewers of research ethics applications. Led by a member of the University Research Ethics Committee. Latest guidance and training suitable for … Continue reading Research Ethics Reviewer Training

Thesis Template:  LaTeX and MS Word

Online via Zoom

Intended Audience:  Open to all PGRs in all Research Institutes   This session will offer training on the Thesis Template:  LaTeX and MS Word and is open to all PGRs 0900 – 1000 – LaTeX 1000 – 1100 – MS Word Session led by Márjory Da Costa-Abreu, Francis Clegg, Susan Campbell, Huilian Liao from I2RI … Continue reading Thesis Template:  LaTeX and MS Word

SERI: Transformation and Preservation: Examining the Experiences of Doctoral Researchers with Professional Backgrounds Writing for Publication

Session delivered by Kristin Solli, OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University   A substantial literature documents doctoral education as a “journey” and a “becoming” involving a transformation of self (Barnacle, 2005; Barnacle & Mewburn; Carlino, 2012; Lee, 2010 & 2011; Wisker, 2016). Writing has been seen as a key site for such transformation. As Kamler & … Continue reading SERI: Transformation and Preservation: Examining the Experiences of Doctoral Researchers with Professional Backgrounds Writing for Publication