I2RI: Library Induction Session for MERI/NCEFE (Feb 23 starters)

On Campus

This session is for newly enrolled (Feb 23) students in MERI/NCEFE   This session will explore getting the most out of databases for your research: what different databases do, which databases are available to you, and how to access them. We’ll show you how to effectively use the major research databases Scopus, Web of Science, … Continue reading I2RI: Library Induction Session for MERI/NCEFE (Feb 23 starters)

Ethics Briefing for new PGR students

Online via Zoom

In this session, Dr Mayur Ranchordas will be introducing you to Ethics in the context of Doctoral Research and addressing the key questions of Why do Ethics matter? What are your responsibilities? How do you apply for Ethical approval? What can go wrong? There will also be a brief introduction to the Converis system, used … Continue reading Ethics Briefing for new PGR students

SERI: Beyond Year 1

On Campus

Intended Audience:  SERI Education PGRs   These meetings are open to all Education PhD doctoral researchers beyond year 1 (year 2 p/t) only. Share your research, bring an issue and suggest an area you would like input on.  

Creative Writing Masterclass: Euan Thorneycroft, Literary Agent from A M Heath|

Norfolk 210 City Campus, Sheffield

Euan is a highly experienced agent with one of the oldest agencies in the UK.  He will talk about being a literary agent and how to seek representation with a literary agent.   “Unearthing a gem of a novel or an idea that no-one else has spotted, developing an author into a household name, or … Continue reading Creative Writing Masterclass: Euan Thorneycroft, Literary Agent from A M Heath|

Equity in Doctoral Education through Partnership and Innovation (EDEPI) project – get involved.

Collegiate Campus

Are you supervising postgraduates, interested in doing so, or wish to get more involved in widening access and participation?   The Equity in Doctoral Education through Partnership and Innovation (EDEPI) project is funded by UKRI/Office for Students. Our work aims to improve access and participation across three universities - Sheffield Hallam, Nottingham Trent and Liverpool John … Continue reading Equity in Doctoral Education through Partnership and Innovation (EDEPI) project – get involved.

I2RI: Finding information and RefWorks (BMRC Induction)

On Campus

Induction to Library services for the BMRC students starting in February 2023.   Please direct any queries to Industry-innovation-pgr@shu.ac.uk   RDF sub-domain(s): A1 – Knowledge Base

Equity in Doctoral Education through Partnership and Innovation (EDEPI) Project – get involved

City Campus Sheffield

Are you supervising postgraduates, interested in doing so, or wish to get more involved in widening access and participation?   The Equity in Doctoral Education through Partnership and Innovation (EDEPI) project is funded by UKRI/Office for Students. Our work aims to improve access and participation across three universities - Sheffield Hallam, Nottingham Trent and Liverpool John … Continue reading Equity in Doctoral Education through Partnership and Innovation (EDEPI) Project – get involved

Let’s Talk about Supervisory Relationships

Online via Zoom

Following on from our Induction/Welcome session and the Personal Development Planning session, we’d now like to invite you to the fourth session in the series. The quality of your relationship with your supervisor or supervisors can be crucial to the progress of your doctorate. There are some common student: supervisor relationship issues for doctoral students … Continue reading Let’s Talk about Supervisory Relationships