Skills Centre: Advanced Critical Writing (Webinar)

Online via Blackboard Collaborate

In this session you will have the opportunity to: (1) Generate and apply analysis questions to a range of evidence and source types. (2) Use reporting verbs to accurately introduce and frame evidence. (3) Reflect on the issues of relevance and significance when examining evidence. The webinar will be facilitated using Blackboard Collaborate. The easiest … Continue reading Skills Centre: Advanced Critical Writing (Webinar)

CCRI – Writing with Authority (PGR Student Workshop)

In Person - City Campus

The PhD requires you to communicate your research in writing at all stages of your registration, from outlining your research plans in an initial proposal, submitting reports at progression stages, through to production of the final thesis. During this time you may also present your work at conferences, or in journal articles or book chapters … Continue reading CCRI – Writing with Authority (PGR Student Workshop)