LRST: Getting Published


This introductory session covers important issues to consider when getting published, particularly focusing on choosing where to publish. RDF subdomain(s): D2 - Communication and Dissemination; Booking link: Register via UniHub

Creative Writing Masterclass: Euan Thorneycroft, Literary Agent from A M Heath|

Norfolk 210 City Campus, Sheffield, United Kingdom

Euan is a highly experienced agent with one of the oldest agencies in the UK.  He will talk about being a literary agent and how to seek representation with a literary agent.   “Unearthing a gem of a novel or an idea that no-one else has spotted, developing an author into a household name, or … Continue reading Creative Writing Masterclass: Euan Thorneycroft, Literary Agent from A M Heath|

LRST: Getting Published


For staff and doctoral researchers: This introductory session covers important issues to consider when getting published, particularly focusing on choosing where to publish.   Book via UniHub   RDF Sub-domain(s):  A1 - Knowledge Base;D2 - Communication and Dissemination;D3 - Engagement and Impact;

LRST: Adding Your Finished Thesis to the University Research Archive


Issues such as copyright, embargoes, and publishing work based on your thesis and how these affect adding a thesis to the archive. Book via UniHub Session open to:  Supervisors; Post Graduate Research Students (PGRs) RDF sub-domain(s):  A1 - Knowledge Base;D2 - Communication and Dissemination;

Research Ethics: Authorship Guidance for Researchers

What contribution merits Authorship? What is Authorship? Authorship gives credit and implies accountability for published work, so there are academic, social and financial implications.  It is very important to make sure people who have contributed to a paper, are given credit as authors - and also that people who are recognized as authors understand their … Continue reading Research Ethics: Authorship Guidance for Researchers

LRST: Adding your Finished Thesis to the University Research Archive

On Campus

Issues such as copyright, embargoes, and publishing work based on your thesis and how these affect adding a thesis to the archive. Book via UniHub Session open to:  Supervisors; Post Graduate Research Students (PGRs) RDF sub-domain(s):  A1 - Knowledge Base;D2 - Communication and Dissemination;

LRST: Getting Published

On Campus - City

Important issues to consider when getting published, particularly focusing on choosing where to publish. Book via UniHub Session open to:  Post Graduate Research Students (PGRs); Supervisors; Early Career Researchers (ECRs); Mid-Career Researchers (MCRs); All staff RDF sub-domain(s):  A1 - Knowledge Base; D2 - Communication and Dissemination; D3 - Engagement and Impact