Transmission: TC McCormack and Marie-José Ourtilane – Tuesday 29 January 2019

Transmission logo and Play it as it lays Installation featuring a collection of objects and materials, video projection and audio As Much About Forgetting, a group exhibition, Viborg Kunsthal, Denmark 2018 by TC McCormack

TC McCormack and Marie-José Ourtilane are developing a project that explores a principle that might be called the complex space (espace complexe), the title of a series of exhibitions through which curators and artists experiment with their relationships. ESPACE COMPLEXE implicitly refers to dialogue, to an idea developed by Edgar Morin: ‘Two principles united without duality being lost or vanishing […]

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Tuesday 29 January 2019 – C3RI Lunchtime Seminar with Dr Cathy Leung (senior lecturer from Hang Seng University, Hong Kong)

Title: Out of the sin-bin and into your e-shopping trolley: The case of Taobao’s doppelganger brand image Speaker: Dr. Leung Miu Yee (Cathy), Senior Lecturer from Hang Seng University in Hong Kong Date and time: Tuesday 29 January 2019, 1pm-2pm Hosted by: Dr Frances Slack Abstract One of the most influential ways to differentiate from key competitors is to use […]

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Talk by Professor Paul Seawright – Thursday 24 January 2019 at the Sheffield Institute of Arts

SEAWRIGHT Lecture (They Dropped Like Flakes, They Dropped Like Stars - Bridge #1 Pittsburgh Image

Professor Paul Seawright, Executive Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences at Ulster University and internationally renowned photographer, will be presenting his research over the current REF census period and talking through his perspective on the current REF landscape at a talk on Thursday 24 January 2019.  We would urge all staff who are engaging with REF […]

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Wednesday 23 January 2019 – Lunchtime seminar with Professor David Swann (Professor in Design)

Seminar banner for David Swann - Work in Progress. Image by David Swann.

Speaker: Professor David Swann (Professor in Design, Subject Leader for Product, Furniture and Interior) Title: Work in Progress Funded by the Art and Design Research Centre (ADRC) and the Department of Art & Design this lunchtime seminar will share research activities related to three of David’s on-going projects: Kos: Material Witnesses Warchild: Digital Tablet Desks UNICEF: U-Think Biography: David is […]

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Wednesday 16 January 2019 – C3RI Lunchtime Seminar with Max Munday (freelance community broadcaster and artist)

Title:  Exploring unresolved histories through international community radio Speaker:  Max Munday (freelance community broadcaster and artist) Date and time:  Wednesday 16 January 2019, 1pm-2pm Hosted by:  Dr Rinella Cere (Sheffield Hallam University) Abstract: The concept of ‘social haunting’ deals with the troubling ways in which the past makes itself felt in the present within communities affected by a social violence […]

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Monday 17 December 2018 – C3RI Lunchtime Seminar with Professor Fabio Ciravegna (Professor of Language and Knowledge Technology, The University of Sheffield)

Banner image for Fabio Ciravegna's seminar 2018-12-17

Title: From A to B? Understanding Mobility in Large Metropolitan Areas via Large Scale Data Collection and Analysis Speaker: Professor Fabio Ciravegna (Professor of Language and Knowledge Technology, The University of Sheffield) Date and time: Monday 17 December 2018, 1pm-2pm Hosted by: Professor Luigina Ciolfi (Sheffield Hallam University) Abstract: Around 50% of the global population live in metropolitan areas, and […]

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Thursday 13 December 2018 – C3RI Lunchtime Seminar with Professor Pietro Ducange (Associate Professor at the eCampus University)

Banner image for Pietro Ducange's seminar 2018-12-13

Title: Social Sensing and Sentiment Analysis – How to exploit On Line Social Network as information sources Speaker: Professor Pietro Ducange (Associate Professor at the eCampus University) Date and time: Thursday 13 December 2018, 1pm-2pm Hosted by: Alessandro Di Nuovo (Sheffield Hallam University) Abstract: Social network sites, also called micro-blogging services (e.g. Twitter, Facebook, Google+), have spread in recent years, becoming […]

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Transmission: Michelle Atherton and Jamie Sutcliffe – Tuesday 04 December 2018

Transmission banner - featuring Michelle Atherton's 'As Much About Forgetting' exhibition work

Michelle Atherton will be in conversation with Jamie Sutcliffe at tomorrow’s Transmission, discussing, amongst other matters, fake rocks, irrational gestures, and occult motion. Michelle Atherton is an artist working with images, temporal states, and contingency. The starting point for the works is often lens-based, exploring the rhetoric and subsequent potency of the image and our encounter with it. Here the […]

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Transmission: Sharon Kivland and Paul Clinton – Tuesday 20 November 2018

Transmission banner for Paul Clinton and Sharon Kivland

Paul Clinton and Sharon Kivland met earlier this year and have not stopped talking since. They talk about the erotics of revolution, transgression and prohibition, the événements and legacy of May 1968, the films of Eric Rohmer and the writing of Pierre Klossowski, jewellery and death, political alliances and psychoanalysis, gender, class, sexuality, soft furnishings, and the cut of the […]

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