Monday 17 December 2018 – C3RI Lunchtime Seminar with Professor Fabio Ciravegna (Professor of Language and Knowledge Technology, The University of Sheffield)

Title: From A to B? Understanding Mobility in Large Metropolitan Areas via Large Scale Data Collection and Analysis
Speaker: Professor Fabio Ciravegna (Professor of Language and Knowledge Technology, The University of Sheffield)
Date and time: Monday 17 December 2018, 1pm-2pm
Hosted by: Professor Luigina Ciolfi (Sheffield Hallam University)
Around 50% of the global population live in metropolitan areas, and this is likely to grow to 75% by 2050. Across Europe cities are stable aggregates with large expanding suburbs. These metropolitan areas need to grow in an efficient, sustainable, and resilient way. Efficient because an efficient economy of scale is required for such conglomerates in order to work, sustainable in their use of resources (in particular for food, water and energy) and resilient to disasters, both natural and man-made.
Mobility is key to this. Mobility is becoming more and more complex due to the increasing availability of different means of transport and the more erratic patterns of the everyday life compared to decades ago. New methods are needed to help city managers to understand mobility and to act according to needs which change dynamically.
In this talk, Professor Ciravegna will present and discuss his approach and the supporting technologies and methodologies for large-scale acquisition and analysis of detailed mobility patterns via citizen involvement. They enable understanding multimodal mobility at a level of precision and granularity that responds to the challenges above. The approach is based on direct and indirect citizen participation via their mobile phones and a large-scale architecture able to collect billions of data points, as well as a range of data analytics algorithms for modelling mobility at high granularity.
Professor Fabio Ciravegna is Professor of Language and Knowledge Technologies at the University of Sheffield, and Head of OAK Group, working on Large Scale data analysis. He completed his PhD in Computer Science at the University of East Anglia, and completed his Degree in Computer Science at the University of Turin, Italy.
His research field concerns data and information acquisition and analysis over large scale, and covers four main areas:
- How to capture information over large scale from multiple sources (the Web, the Social Web, distributed organisational archives, mobile devices, drones, sensors, etc.) with a particular focus on sensing using mobile phones
- How to provide effective analytics of large-scale data
- How to use the captured information (e.g. for knowledge management, business intelligence, customer analysis, management of large scale events via social media
- How to communicate the information (to final users, problem owners, etc.) through visual analytics.
His research covers both fundamental research and applications. He has applied his research results to fields such as aerospace, environmental monitoring, sports, charity, transport and mobility, and health and medicine.
Further information about Professor Ciravegna’s research can be found here.
See here for details of other seminars in the series.
All SHU staff and students are welcome to attend the C3RI Lunchtime Research Seminars. If you are from outside of the University and would like to attend a seminar, please email the C3RI Administrator to arrange entry.