Transmission: Becky Shaw and Amanda Ravetz – Tuesday 26 February 2019

Transmission logo and image for Becky Shaw and Amanda Ravetz

Becky Shaw and Amanda Ravetz began working together through a research council funded project ODD: Feeling different in the world of education. The project brings together artists, anthropologists, and educational researchers to explore how politics, school policy, environment, and children interact to produce a child’s embodied experience of what it is to fit, or not fit in. They will talk […]

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Transmission: Yuen Fong Ling and Juliet Jacques – Tuesday 19 February 2019

Transmission logo and image for Yuen Fong Ling and Juliet Jacques

A two-part talk, followed by a conversation: Yuen Fong Ling will explore the construction of ‘self’ through tactical life modelling where the artist’s body is a supplement to other historical bodies, focusing on the recent project Towards Memorial, which examines the legacy of socialist, writer, poet, and activist Edward Carpenter (1844 –1929), through the making, gifting, and wearing of a […]

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Wednesday 13 February 2019 – Lunchtime seminar with Dr Kofi Appiah (Lecturer in Computer Science)

Title: Real-Time Modelling of Visual Scenes with Biological Inspiration Speaker: Dr Kofi Appiah (Lecturer in Computer Science, Sheffield Hallam University) Abstract Targets of atypical size relative to their surrounding objects are usually missed by humans during visual search; studies show that this isn’t necessarily a deficiency but a useful strategy to discount distractors. These characteristics may explain why the human […]

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Wednesday 20 February 2019 – Lunchtime seminar with Professor Alaster Yoxall (Professor of Packaging Ergonomics)

Images for Professor Alaster Yoxall's C3RI Research Seminar - courtesy of Alaster Yoxall

Speaker: Professor Alaster Yoxall (Professor of Packaging Ergonomics) Title: Designing a tool for determining the thickness of fluids for patients with dysphagia using a mixed-methods approach Between 50 and 75% of residents in nursing homes have swallowing difficulties. For frail older adults difficulties with eating and drinking can be life threatening and possibly result in pneumonia, the second most common (and serious) infection […]

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Wednesday 06 February 2019 – Lunchtime seminar with Dr Sharon Kivland (Reader in Fine Art)

Seminar banner for Sharon Kivlands 'Arise, wretched of the earth' seminar. Featuring image of exhibition Die Holzdiebe at ZAK

Speaker: Dr Sharon Kivland (Reader in Fine Art) Title: Arise, wretched of the earth At a research seminar on Wednesday 06 February Sharon Kivland will talk about a recent exhibition Die Holzdiebe (ZAK, Zitadelle, Berlin 2018-9). Collectively, the animals of the forest rise up with an instinctive sense of right, gathering the alms of nature, their roots positive and legitimate. They […]

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Hallam Guild – Research Methods @ SHU launch meeting – Wednesday 06 February 2019

Everyone is invited to the launch meeting for the new Hallam Guild group ‘Research Methods @ SHU’. The first meeting will take place on Wednesday 6th February 2019, 1-2pm, in the Owen Building, Room 1025, City Campus, Sheffield Hallam University. The purpose of the group is to create a community of practice and a network of educators, researchers and students […]

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Transmission: Penny McCarthy and Terry O’Connor – Tuesday 05 February 2019

Transmission logo and image for Penny McCarthy and Terry O'Connor

Penny McCarthy and Terry O’Connor will present their practices and shared interests, touching on the processes of making work in relation to language, authorship, and interpretation. Their dialogue will also explore the kinds of experiences their work opens for viewers in the different contexts of its presentation. Penny McCarthy is a Reader in Fine Art and Course Leader for Postgraduate […]

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Monday 04 February 2019 – Lunchtime seminar with Dr Valentina Rognoli (Design, Politecnico di Milano)

Seminar banner for Valentina Rognoli

Speaker: Dr Valentina Rognoli (Design, Politecnico di Milano) Hosted by: Professor Daniela Petrelli Title: New materials practices: The DIY-Materials A new approach to materials has emerged in the international design scene. Designers are choosing materials not only from material libraries, from suppliers or from the companies who commissioned the project. The designer today is more and more aware that innovation is also coming from direct experimentation with […]

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“Users, participants, co-designers or just pesky humans? On the challenges of human centred research in Human-Computer Interaction” – Professor Luigina Ciolfi Inaugural Lecture – Wednesday 30 January 2019

A main aspiration of HCI is to be human- and user-centred in its approach to creating novel digital interactions. But how do we engage, involve and encourage end users to participate in HCI? The field has tackled this challenge in many ways. Notably, Participatory Design has been widely adopted in order for users and stakeholders to become active part of […]

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