Tuesday 29 January 2019 – C3RI Lunchtime Seminar with Dr Cathy Leung (senior lecturer from Hang Seng University, Hong Kong)

Title: Out of the sin-bin and into your e-shopping trolley: The case of Taobao’s doppelganger brand image
Speaker: Dr. Leung Miu Yee (Cathy), Senior Lecturer from Hang Seng University in Hong Kong
Date and time: Tuesday 29 January 2019, 1pm-2pm
Hosted by: Dr Frances Slack
One of the most influential ways to differentiate from key competitors is to use strategic branding on products, developing strong brand identity, brand image and brand personality. To blend the theory and practice of brand management, this case describes how the e-shopping portal Taobao built its brand image from scratch in 1999 until it is now a supernova on the world stage. Due to the highly competitive environment in mainland China, Taobao is facing challenges to its role of brand leader. The seminar explores Taobao’s brand identity and its work in connecting with their their target customers to sustain growth and competitive advantage.
Dr. Leung Miu Yee (Cathy) is currently a senior lecturer from Hang Seng University in Hong Kong. Before joining the higher education institution sector, she worked in e-commerce at Microsoft, Silicon Graphic Company. She has engaged in several e-business consultancy projects for IBM and worked as research staff at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. She conducted several PhD research seminars and guest lectures in other UK universities. Dr. Leung has broad working experience in international-level business strategy, e-entrepreneurship, digital inclusion, and IT in business services.
See here for details of other seminars in the series.
All SHU staff and students are welcome to attend the C3RI Lunchtime Research Seminars. If you are from outside of the University and would like to attend a seminar, please email the C3RI Administrator to arrange entry.