Wednesday 16 January 2019 – C3RI Lunchtime Seminar with Max Munday (freelance community broadcaster and artist)

Title: Exploring unresolved histories through international community radio
Speaker: Max Munday (freelance community broadcaster and artist)
Date and time: Wednesday 16 January 2019, 1pm-2pm
Hosted by: Dr Rinella Cere (Sheffield Hallam University)
The concept of ‘social haunting’ deals with the troubling ways in which the past makes itself felt in the present within communities affected by a social violence imposed on them by power.
In a series of AHRC Connected Communities-funded research projects led by Dr Geoff Bright at Manchester Metropolitan University between 2015-2018, arts-based methods were used to explore ‘social haunting’ in the context of de-industrialised areas of northern England. Max Munday was commissioned to make radio documentaries in response to what emerged through conversation, poetry, art work and songs that spoke to ideas around community being-ness, struggles over collective narratives and utopian possibilities.
In the third of the ‘social haunting’ projects, the use of community radio was developed into an international dialogue with a diverse range of communities in Malawi, Slovenia, Hungary, Indonesia and the USA. Following the broadcast of a documentary about the UK research in these countries, responses from listeners were collected by local community broadcasters, sent back to the UK and incorporated into a follow-up documentary: ‘International Songlines and Social Haunting’.
This seminar will look at the issues involved in facilitating conversations around complex notions of unresolved histories – rooted in the specific context of de-industrialisation in England – through an international network of community radio, and across linguistic and cultural differences.
Max Munday is a freelance community broadcaster and artist, living in Sheffield. His radio and sound work focuses on exploring the way that communities can disrupt dominant narratives imposed on them, and has worked within contexts of deindustrialisation, activist networks, and on issues of Jewish identity and memory.
His recently completed practice-based MA by Research at Manchester School of Art explored issues of memory, utopianism and representations of Jewish bodies through sound, video, movement and installation-based practice.
See here for details of other seminars in the series.
All SHU staff and students are welcome to attend the C3RI Lunchtime Research Seminars. If you are from outside of the University and would like to attend a seminar, please email the C3RI Administrator to arrange entry.