Thursday 13 December 2018 – C3RI Lunchtime Seminar with Professor Pietro Ducange (Associate Professor at the eCampus University)

Title: Social Sensing and Sentiment Analysis – How to exploit On Line Social Network as information sources
Speaker: Professor Pietro Ducange (Associate Professor at the eCampus University)
Date and time: Thursday 13 December 2018, 1pm-2pm
Hosted by: Alessandro Di Nuovo (Sheffield Hallam University)
Social network sites, also called micro-blogging services (e.g. Twitter, Facebook, Google+), have spread in recent years, becoming a new kind of real-time information channel. Their popularity stems from the characteristics of portability thanks to several social networks applications for smartphones and tablets, easiness of use, and real-time nature. People intensely use social networks to report (personal or public) real- life events happening around them or simply to express their opinion on a given topic, through a public message. Social networks allow people to create an identity and let them share it in order to build a community.
In this talk, Professor Ducange will discuss how social networks and media platforms can be used as sources of information for the detection of events, such as traffic congestion, incidents, natural disasters (such as earthquakes, storms or fires), or other events. Then, Professor Ducange will show how to extract the “sentiment” hidden behind messages and comments that users post and share on social networks. The users’ sentiment may be exploited for profiling the reputation of commercial activities and brands, for estimating the results of elections or of marketing campaigns, and in general for evaluating the general humor of a community with respect a specific topic.
Pietro Ducange received the M.Sc. degree in Computer Engineering and the Ph.D. degree in Information Engineering from the University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy, in 2005 and 2009, respectively. From May 2014, Pietro Ducange has been Associate Professor at the eCampus University. He teaches Computer Architecture, Operating Systems, Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining. He is the Director of the SMART Engineering Solutions & Technologies (SMARTEST) Research Centre and the Coordinator of Business and Computational Intelligence (BCI) research group at the eCampus University.
His main research interests include evolutionary fuzzy systems, big data mining, social sensing and sentiment analysis, multi-criteria optimization. Professor Ducange has been involved in a number of R&D projects, funded by both public and private entities, in which data mining and computation intelligence algorithms have been successfully employed. He has co-authored more than 50 papers in international journals and conference proceedings. Professor Ducange has served several international conferences as PC member. Currently, he serves the Soft Computing Journal (Springer) as associate editor in the Methodologies & Application area.
See here for details of other seminars in the series.
All SHU staff and students are welcome to attend the C3RI Lunchtime Research Seminars. If you are from outside of the University and would like to attend a seminar, please email the C3RI Administrator to arrange entry.