2019 University award winners announced

Following nomination and selection processes which have taken place over the past few months, this year’s winners have been announced by the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Sir Chris Husbands.

Winners will be presented with their awards at a celebratory dinner on 3rd July and their achievements will also be recognised at a future graduation ceremony.

Congratulations to all this year’s nominees and winners!

Inspirational Teaching Award Winners 2019

Paul ALLAN (SBS, Department of Management)

Michelle BLACKBURN (SBS, Department of Management)

Hayley BRADLEY (SSH, Department of Humanities)

Patricia DAY (HWB, Department of Nursing & Midwifery

Janice HAIGH (SSH, Department of Education, Childhood & Inclusion)

Sarah HAYWOOD-SMALL (HWB, Department of Biosciences and Chemistry)

Paul LUKE (STA, Department of Art and Design)

Tonderai MASWERA (STA, Department of Computing)

Zoe NANGAH (SSH, Department of Education, Childhood & Inclusion)

Simon NICHOLLS (SBS, Department of Management)

David O’ SULLIVAN (STA, Department of Engineering & Mathematics)

Joe PALMER (HWB, Department of Allied Health Professions)

Anjana RAGHAVAN (SSH, Department of Psychology Sociology & Politics)

Hester REEVE (STA, Department of Art & Design)

Martin ROBERTS (SBS, Department of Finance, Accounting & Business Systems)

Joanne ROBSON (SSH, Department of Teacher Education)

David STRAFFORD (SBS, Department of Service Sector Management)

Deanna TAYLOR (HWB, Department of Nursing & Midwifery)

Richard TUNE (HWB, Department of Allied Health Professions)

Kathryn WARREN (HWB, Department of Nursing & Midwifery)

Outstanding Student Support Award Winners 2019

Kathryn BAILLIE (SSH, Department of Teacher Education)

Andy BULL (SSH, Department of Teacher Education)

Charlotte MCGUIRE (SBS, Student Support / Professional Services)

Jozef SEN (SAS, Student Support Services)

Inspirational Research Supervisor Award Winners 2019

Tracey COULE (SBS, Department of Management)

Andy DEARDEN (STA, Cultural Communication and Computing Research Institute)

Sarah FORBES (HWB, Department Of Biosciences And Chemistry)

Nick HODGE (SSH, Department of Education, Childhood & Inclusion)

Outstanding Student Support (Research) Award Winner 2019

Rea SMITH (HWB, Student Support / Professional Services)

Inspirational Teaching Award (Overseas Partner) Winners 2019

Cynthia CHAKAHWATA (Botswana Accountancy College) SBS

Ryan CHEAH (INTI Centre of Art & Design, Malaysia) STA

Wilbert MUTOKO (Botswana Accountancy College) SBS

Alice NJOROGE (Botswana Accountancy College) SBS

Ijeoma OKPANUM (Sino-British College, China) SBS

Mohd SUFI (INTI Centre of Art & Design, Malaysia) STA

Sue-Jane YEO (INTI Centre of Art & Design, Malaysia) STA

Vice-Chancellor’s Award Winner 2019

The following member of staff has received awards on three different occasions and is the recipient of a Vice-Chancellor’s Award:

Martin ROBERTS (SBS, Department of Finance, Accounting & Business Systems) – Inspirational Teaching Awards in 2013, 2015 & 2019

Sheffield Business School: nominations and award winners

Faculty Award Winners / Nominees for a University Inspirational Teaching Award

Paul BERESFORD (Service Sector Management)

Michelle BLACKBURN (Management)

Rachel BOWER (Management)

Jennifer COCKILL (Service Sector Management)

Ania DE BERG (Management)

Elizabeth DEMPSEY ( Management)

Anna HALL (Service Sector Management)

Stewart HILLAND (Service Sector Management)

Nigel JONES (Management)

Nicholas JORDAN (Service Sector Management)

John JOYCE  (Finance Acct & Business Systems)

Ray NOLAN (Service Sector Management)

Martin ROBERTS (Finance Acct & Business Systems)

Jane TATTERSALL (Service Sector Management)

Claire TAYLOR (Management)


Faculty Award Winners / Nominees for a University Outstanding Student Support Award


Elizabeth DEMPSEY


Health and Wellbeing: nominations and award winners

Faculty Award Winners / Nominees for a University Inspirational Teaching Award

Jill AYLOTT (Centre for Leadership in Health and Social Care)

Beverley BENNETT (Nursing & Midwifery)

David BROOM (Academy of Sport and Physical Activity)

Patricia DAY (Nursing & Midwifery)

Beverly FERGUSON (Nursing & Midwifery)

Sally FREEMAN (Nursing & Midwifery)

Nicola (aka Nikki)JORDAN MAHY (Bioscienes)

Damian KINGSBURY (Academy of Sport and Physical Activity)      ,

MELISSA Lacey, Melissa LACEY, (Biosciences)

Roger MAKIN (Nursing & Midwifery)

Rachel MCMANUS  (Social Work)

Laura PATTINSON (Allied Health Professions)

David ROGERSON (Academy of Sporty and Physical Activity)

Lesley SAUNDERS (Nursing & Midwifery)

Karen SNEDDON (Nursing & Midwifery)


Faculty Awards who have received a VC Award  in previous years and therefore are not considered for a University Award

Foggin, Jane, HWB, Social Work Social Care & Com. Studies)

SMITH, DAVID, HWB, Biosciences)        ,


Faculty Award Winners / Nominees for a University Outstanding Student Support Award

Tessa BORG


Rachel Wigglesworth

Development and Society: nominations and award winners

Faculty Award Winners / Nominees for a University Inspirational Teaching Award

Camila BASSI (Natural & Built Environment)

Samuel BURTON (Law And Criminology)

Naomi COOPER (Teacher Education)

Jonathan DEAN (Psychology Sociology & Politics)

Liane DUXBURY (Natural & Built Environment)

Douglas FRASER (Natural & Built Environment)

Paula HAMILTON (Law And Criminology)

Kevin MCDERMOTT (Humanities)

David PLAYFOOT (Psychology Sociology & Politics)

Alan POTTS (Teacher Education)

William READER (Psychology Sociology & Politics)

Neil SISSONS (Humanities)

Jennifer SLOAN (Law And Criminology)

Vicky THIRLAWAY (Law And Criminology)

Sarah WILLIAMS (Teacher Education)


Faculty Awards who have received a VC Award  in previous years and therefore are not considered for a University Award

Edwyn ANDERTON (Teacher Education)

Mark EDWARDS (Law And Criminology)


Faculty Award Winners / Nominees for a University Outstanding Student Support Award




ACES (Arts, Computing, Engineering and Science): nominations and award winners

Faculty award winners / nominees for a University Inspirational Teaching Award

Sally BILLAU (Art And Design)

Katherine (aka Katy) CARROLL  (Media Arts & Communication)

Xinjun CUI (Engineering & Mathematics)

Roderick DOUGLAS (Computing)

Jeffrey DURBER  (Art And Design)

Siavosh HAGHIGHI MOVAHED (Computing)

Ian HALLIDAY (Materials And Eng Research Institute)

Tom HARRISON (Media Arts & Communication)

Andrew HIRST (Computing)

Christopher HOGG (Media Arts & Communication)

Philemon (aka Philo) HOLLAND (Media Arts & Communication)

Matthew LOVE (Computing)

Adrian ORAM (Computing)

Timothy PARKER (Engineering & Mathematics)


Faculty Awards who have received a VC Award  in previous years and therefore are not considered for a University Award

Liz ERETT (Engineering & Mathematics)


Faculty Award Winners / Nominees for a University Outstanding Student Support Award



Linda WOOD

And the winners are…

We’ve just received this announcement from our Vice-Chancellor:

Dear All

The Inspirational Teaching Awards are now into their fourth year and continue to be a phenomenally successful innovation. The recipient of each award is presented at a relevant Graduation ceremony in November and the reception given by graduating students and their families is awe-inspiring.  This year, as in previous years, we’ve put prominent portraits of the award winners up in the main entrance of the Owen building and they provide a visible symbol of our commitment to excellent teaching.  They still stimulate glances from students and positive comments from visitors.

The central element of the initiative is student involvement in the nomination and assessment process. Students who complete the Student Barometer survey are asked to nominate those academic or student support staff who have inspired or made a transformative impact on their student experience, inside or outside the classroom.  This year students were also asked to nominate teams as well as individual members of staff.  A separate survey was made available for level 6 students and for postgraduate students.  Each student could write up to 200 words justifying their nomination.  In total 3581 students made nominations, an increase of more than 300 from last year.  More than 1500 individual staff and teams, academics and student support staff were named.

This is the first stage of the selection process.  The second stage takes place in Faculties and Directorates.  Each nomination is put before a Faculty selection panel, which included a student representative to maintain the student voice within the selection process.  The panel then uses a standard set of criteria to judge the nominations, which was based on last year’s award winner’s characteristics.

Sixty members of academic and support staff have been awarded Faculty Awards.  All of these went forward to the University stage from which twenty-two University Inspirational Teaching Awards were made.  In addition five Inspirational Research Supervisor Awards were made and two team awards were made for Outstanding Student Support

The following staff / teams received University awards:


Health and Well Being

Collette Beecher

Jane Foggin

Dr Anne Hollows

Dr Nicola Jordan-Mahy

Dr David Smith

Emma Taylor

Development & Society

Tamsin Bowers-Brown

Helen Childerhouse

Alison McHale

Prof Hilary Povey

Neil Sissons

Heather Wain



Dr Xinjun Cui

Liz Erett

Sheffield Business School

Michelle Blackburn

Paul Beresford

Dora Chan

Jenny Cockill

Phil Crowther

Jayne Hunter

Prof John Joyce

Tim Williams


Inspiration Research Supervisors

Dr David Clegg (ACES – MERI)

Dr Nick Hodge (D&S)

Dr Nicola Palmer (SBS)

Dr Heidi Probst (HWB)

Dr Becky Shaw (ACES – C3RI)


Outstanding Student Support

Cantor Help Desk (ACES)

International Student Support Team (QESS)

Four of the recipients, Liz Erett, Jane Foggin, David Smith and Tim Williams have received awards for three consecutive years.

I’d like to congratulate all the nominees, all the Faculty award winners and all the staff who were successfully nominated for a University award.  I think this is a fantastic scheme and I’m full of admiration for all the nominees.  It’s a tribute to the University that we had 3581 students nominating 1518 members of staff – all of whom were identified as inspiring or transformational.


Professor Philip Jones
