ACES (Arts, Computing, Engineering and Science): nominations and award winners

Faculty award winners / nominees for a University Inspirational Teaching Award

Sally BILLAU (Art And Design)

Katherine (aka Katy) CARROLL  (Media Arts & Communication)

Xinjun CUI (Engineering & Mathematics)

Roderick DOUGLAS (Computing)

Jeffrey DURBER  (Art And Design)

Siavosh HAGHIGHI MOVAHED (Computing)

Ian HALLIDAY (Materials And Eng Research Institute)

Tom HARRISON (Media Arts & Communication)

Andrew HIRST (Computing)

Christopher HOGG (Media Arts & Communication)

Philemon (aka Philo) HOLLAND (Media Arts & Communication)

Matthew LOVE (Computing)

Adrian ORAM (Computing)

Timothy PARKER (Engineering & Mathematics)


Faculty Awards who have received a VC Award  in previous years and therefore are not considered for a University Award

Liz ERETT (Engineering & Mathematics)


Faculty Award Winners / Nominees for a University Outstanding Student Support Award



Linda WOOD