Colette Beecher
Colette is a neuro-specialist occupational therapist with 24 years’ experience. She joined SHU in 2006, and teaches across BSc and MSc programmes in occupational therapy, and vocational rehabilitation. She is actively engaged with STEM, as an ambassador that supports schools and colleges.
Colette has initiated two projects which developed a digital distance learning resource on the brain structure and function- referred to as the BrainDig, and a neurology board game ‘Take the Neurohighway’ based on active learning principles, which is now being marketed across UK AHP university programmes, and has also attracted international sales.
Colette is about to embark on her PhD studies, which will be a longitudinal qualitative study, exploring the needs and experiences of individuals with relapse remitting multiple sclerosis, post haematopoietic stem cell transplant.
‘Colette is a fantastic lecturer and person, she is passionate about teaching and always makes things interesting with her homemade models of different parts of the brain and it’s no trouble for her if you need a bit of extra help or guidance to grasp the content of what she is trying to get across.’
Samuel Burton
Sam is a senior lecturer in the Department of Law and Criminology. He joined as an associate lecturer in 2004 following the completion of his law degree. He has subsequently completed his PgCert in Higher Education and an MPhil entitled ‘Anti-terrorism Control Orders: A Human Rights Analysis’. Sam has taught a range of undergraduate and postgraduate modules and supervises a range of dissertations on counter-terrorism law, human rights and various aspects of US law.
He is also an active researcher in the field of Western states’ legal responses to the post-9/11 terrorist threat and the human rights implications of counter-terrorism law and policy. Sam was previously awarded a Faculty Inspirational Teacher Award in 2013, and a Faculty and University Inspirational Teaching Award in 2015.
‘You can see that he genuinely cares about his students, not only their success and understanding within the modules he teaches, but also their well-being and their future. He ensures all students are fully informed and goes the extra mile to go over topics which may not have been grasped first time round.’
Dr Jodie Clark
Jodie’s work as a linguist at Sheffield Hallam explores new ways of imagining social change. Her research and teaching focus upon linguistic approaches to gender, sexuality, race and class. She is the author of Selves, Bodies and the Grammar of Social Worlds (2016) and Language, Sex and Social Structure (2012), both with Palgrave.
Prior to taking up a post at Sheffield Hallam in 2008, she worked and studied in a number of universities in the UK, the US and France. Originally from the east coast of the US, she taught English at the University of Paris and served as director for a study abroad programme with the University of Strasbourg before moving to the UK.
Jodie has been Course Leader for both BA English Language and BA English. In teaching, her aim is to empower students to think critically about the relationships between social structure and language use.
‘She has such an amazing knowledge of her field and always goes above and beyond her role as a seminar tutor to help and support with other issues. I always looked forward to a lecture or seminar with Jodie, she has reignited my passion with the English Language!’
Rosemary Court
Rose was appointed as Senior Lecturer in Children’s Nursing at Sheffield Hallam University in November 2012, following an extensive career in clinical practice as a Children’s Nurse. Rose worked as a Sister on a Neonatal Unit and prior to moving into nurse education, qualified as a specialist community practitioner in community children’s nursing and held a senior position in a complex care team.
In November, Rose will have worked in the Department of Nursing and Midwifery for 5 years teaching Public Health to Children’s Nursing students at undergraduate and postgraduate level. Rose is responsible for overseeing the development of personal students within her academic advisory role, and maintains a strong clinical presence through her link lecturer activities at Sheffield Children’s Hospital. She hopes to inspire future children’s nurses through sharing her enthusiasm for community children’s nursing.
‘Rose is an exceptional teacher, she is passionate about her work and engages her students in a way which makes us want to learn about the chosen subject. She helps us if ever we need additional support, and has supported her personal students exceptionally well, students really feel like she has an invested interest in our wellbeing.’
Pat Day
Pat is an experienced nurse and teacher. She worked in acute adult care settings for several years after qualifying as a nurse. Pat became a school nurse 20 years ago. This role fitted well with her interests in family health, health promotion and public health.
Pat enjoys working with children and young people and has specialist skills in mental health and sexual health. Pat is a sexual health practitioner and runs a youth clinic once a week on Saturdays. She also has an honorary contract with Sheffield Children’s Hospital and supports teenagers with mental health issues in a secondary school. Pat is passionate about nursing and loves teaching students about primary care and public health
‘Pat goes above and beyond in making our learning experience the most valuable, aiding us in our journey through both professional and personal development. She emphasises the need for good nurses who do well by their patients and always expresses that we will be like that which is really encouraging. She provides empathy and support and gives us invaluable knowledge and guidance in what will be the start of a long nursing career.’
Andrew Fowler
Andrew joined Sheffield Hallam University’s Law and Criminology Department in 2014 after working in the charity sector and National Probation Service for 10 years. Andrew teaches on the Probation Qualification and the undergraduate Criminology degree.
Andrew found the transition from practice to academia rewarding and challenging. He did not appreciate what good preparation these practice experiences would be for working in academia and how they overlapped. At the core of both jobs is a desire to work with people towards their goals and aspirations. He has had the privilege to work with incredible students over the last three years who are determined to succeed, often with caring roles, mental health issues, several jobs and / or low self-esteem. Being nominated is a real honour and he is grateful to the students, his colleagues and his wife who support him with his endless questions, anxieties and curiosity.
‘Andrew has provided a base for supporting extra curricular activities and brought them all closer together. This inspired me to run and join the society that he manages along with another member of staff. He is still willing to meet and discuss university life and provide excellent pastoral support.’
Dr Joan Healey
Joan teaches on the BSc and MSc pre reg Occupational Therapy programmes. She has a special interest in medical humanities and arts and wellbeing and leads the Creativity, Occupation and Wellbeing module on the BSc programme.
Joan tries to use creative media in teaching, using film, literature and art, to explore narratives of illness and to encourage empathy and the emotional dimensions of learning in health care.
She has been at Sheffield Hallam for almost 20 years and has had the pleasure of working with many inspiring students who are now occupational therapists themselves. Joan is really moved by the nomination for this award by the students.
‘Joan has given constant support throughout, paired us up with really good quality placements and tried her best to prepare us holistically for placement. She was my dissertation tutor and always asked good questions and tried to get the best out of me throughout.’
Stewart Hilland
Stewart has a senior management background in primary and secondary education, and has organised a range of education exhibitions, conferences, ceremonies and international sports and arts events. He has worked in South-East Asia and Europe.
In 2006, Stewart gained an MSc with distinction from Leeds Metropolitan University and received the overall prize for outstanding academic achievement. He has been part of the events management teaching team in the Sheffield Business School since 2008 and currently leads on modules relating to business research and events policy.
Stewart’s research interests centre on public sector event delivery and outcomes as well as teaching, learning and assessment in the higher education classroom. He is currently one of SHU’s Learning Enhancement and Academic Development (LEAD) Associates. Stewart has now been awarded three Inspirational Teaching Awards and so is now the recipient of a Vice-Chancellor’s Award.
‘Stewart is the font of all knowledge and is so interesting to listen to and work with. I feel he offers the most support and is so willing to help whenever he can to enhance your learning experience and grades.’
Paul King
Having studied Architecture at The University of Manchester, Paul qualified as an Architect in 2000. He has worked for leading design practices including Urban Splash in Manchester, Ian Simpson Architects and Glenn Howells Architects in London. Paul’s buildings have won awards, been widely published, exhibited at the RIBA in London and featured on BBC Radio 4. Paul has been a senior lecturer at SHU since 2010 and sits on the Sheffield Institute of Arts steering group as undergraduate course leader.
Paul is currently a PhD student at The Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL in London. Paul’s research focus is incorporating digital fabrication methods into architectural education and practice; he actively seeks to engage students by weaving research into his teaching.
Paul is recognised externally as an innovator in architectural education and has been appointed as an external examiner at The Manchester School of Architecture and a board member of the RIBA validation panel.
‘Paul goes out of his way to help and fix any problems you may be having with the course. He shows a true passion for not only the subject but the success of the Architecture school.’
Joanne Lee
Joanne is Senior Lecturer in Graphic Design and is Module Leader for Level 6 Graduation Projects.
Working across practice and theory, she supports students in developing connections between their making and the contexts for that production. In 2016/17 she was awarded a Teaching Enhancement Grant to explore ways for students to become more confident at being critical.
Her interest in finding new forms for such work is also manifest in her independent serial publication, the Pam Flett Press, which essays aspects of everyday life. She regularly presents and publishes on art and design pedagogy, and is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
‘Joanne has been a great support throughout my current studies, working with me to ensure that i achieve as much of my potential as possible even when I believe it isn’t possible. She has made my learning experience much more worthwhile and manageable through constantly being an understanding and supportive teacher.’
Dr Michael Meredith
Michael is a member of the Software Engineering, Graphics and Multimedia subject group within the Computing department of ACES. His time is largely student-focused being the course leader for BSc Computer Science as well as teaching core programming skills and computer graphics to the students studying on the course.
Alongside teaching, Michael’s areas of research include 2D and 3D graphics (including augmented reality), digital humanities and mathematical modelling. This ranges from “reading” and processing text from medieval manuscripts to digital tools to enhance visitor experiences in museum and exhibition environments.
‘His passion for both teaching and computing shines through. Supporting those who are struggling, yet giving opportunity to stretch others. Being refreshingly honest with responses and understanding his students. Mike takes an approach of colleague/mentor, giving the illusion that you are working together, as opposed to a hierarchical teacher-student paradigm. He is a very humble teacher that will admit when he doesn’t know something, however he will pursue an answer.’
Kath Nakielski
Kath has been a Lecturer in Midwifery for over 20 years, holding a range of positions including Director of Undergraduate Midwifery Programmes and Lead Midwife for Education. During her preceding time within the NHS she worked as a nurse and a midwife; holding a range of clinical midwifery roles both as a hospital and community midwife in Sheffield. She is also SHU alumni.
As Lead Link Lecturer, she leads the activities essential to the delivery of integrated support to mentors and others who support student learning in the practice setting. She has a long track record of developing the clinical learning environment and fostering inter-professional learning and partnership working.
Teaching on all aspects of midwifery theory and practice; special interests include curricular development, reflective practice, assessment of clinical competence and mentorship. Publications include inter-professional case note analysis to develop and enrich learning partnerships in practice and reflective practice.
‘Kath clearly cares for her profession and she wants to turn out exceptional midwives of the future and this comes across in her manner and through her teaching.’
Ray Nolan
Ray is a Senior Lecturer in the Sheffield Business School working with students at all levels.
In collaboration with external partner organisations Ray has engaged students in applied research to drive forward responsible business practices.
Ray is extremely proud that our students rise to the challenge of tackling difficult subjects such as the prevention of modern slavery and integrating this into their studies to create real world impact. Notably this included academic and applied research with NGO’s and public sector bodies; contributing to greater knowledge and understanding, but moreover helping to develop industry training packages to prevent child trafficking and sexual exploitation in international tourism and hospitality.
The student nomination comments have given Ray a great sense of fulfillment that they felt he had made a difference to their lives.
‘The work that he has been doing within the industry has inspired me because he’s showing us that after we graduate and enter the industry we have got the power to make a difference. This has influenced me because I feel that I can bring a positive contribution and make a difference to other people.’
Dr Anjana Raghavan
Anjana is Senior Lecturer in Sociology in the Department of Psychology, Sociology and Politics.
Situated in many worlds, and homes, her teaching and research interests include decolonial feminisms, radical social and cultural theory, as well as socio-political formations and performances of love.
Her enduring professional and personal hope is to be a part of creating compassionate, joyous, and critical spaces of knowledge, conversation and action, both in education, and the world at large.
‘Anjana has a way of wording ideas so eloquently and so brilliantly that she can make the most horrendously complex theories instantly understandable. Anjana is the only teacher I’ve ever had that makes me one come out of an hour lecture with 4 pages of notes because I had found everything she said so important and her intelligence and passion for the subject shows through when she teaches.’
David Ridley
David has just completed 25 years working in education; teaching Physical Education in Rotherham for 10 years before moving on to Sheffield College and then Sheffield Hallam University in 2003.
His academic and research interests lie in the role PE and sport pedagogy plays in developing young people’s motivation to engage in lifelong physical activity. Current research projects are linked with the National Centre for Sport and Exercise Medicine, focussing on the empowerment of primary school teachers to embed fitness testing into high quality PE lessons.
David continues to deliver many practical areas of the successful PE degree route such as gymnastics, athletics and rugby, using these areas to challenge the students’ grasp of creative teaching and learning, integrating cutting edge use of TEL and iPads. His support for students as an Employability Lead helps them to develop the confidence and self-belief required to take the next step in their own careers.
‘Dave took me under his wing as one of the less confident students on the course, and made it his mission to push me out of my comfort zone. It is from this that I feel my confidence has improved drastically and has helped shape me in to the kind of teacher I want to be in the future.’
Alex Robinson
This is now the second year running that Alex has been awarded an Inspirational Teaching Award and it reflects his ongoing commitment in ensuring that his lectures are interesting and engaging with his students.
Since joining the University in 2014 he has always taken a keen interest in Technology Enhanced Learning and this is reflected in his research. Alex specialises in Radiotherapy Physics, an area that students often struggle with. However due to his ability to use active learning and a huge array of techniques he is able to develop each student’s core knowledge in a way that means something to them.
‘Alex repeatedly goes over and beyond to provide a more fun learning style and listens to our feedback on how to improve some lectures. He’s always available to point us in the right direction and will talk about his work related experiences. Even now he’ll ask how we’re all doing in other subjects to make sure we’re on target to progress.’
Kathy Stephenson
Kathy is a senior lecturer in education policy and has worked at Sheffield Hallam for 18 years. Initially as a research fellow, and then senior lecturer in Education and for eight years as a course leader of BA (Hons) Education Psychology and Counselling.
Her student centred approach gives her tremendous satisfaction from watching students develop, grow and embrace university life.
Kathy’s teaching is based around education policy, emotional literacy and learning and reflective work based learning. Her research interests include developing emotional literacy through therapeutic stories and metaphors. She is currently writing a book of therapeutic stories for children and runs CPD therapeutic story workshops.
Kathy is the International Mobility Coordinator for DECI and works with partners in Germany, Spain, Queensland, Kanas and Las Vegas to ensure the delivery of the international mobility experience in educational settings.
‘When I qualify to be a teacher I want to have the same passion and drive as she does as I can see how much she loves what she does and the strength of how much she believes in what she is saying.’
David Strafford
David is a Senior Lecturer in Events Management, within the Department of Service Sector Management. He has been teaching full time for 4 years at SHU; this is his fourth ITA nomination and his first win.
David has 20 years’ experience in the events industry, and considers himself a practitioner as well as an academic, bringing current and relevant event case studies into the classroom. He has worked for clients such as the BBC, C-Beebies, Disney on Ice and Hull 2017. David is a Placement Employability Tutor and is enthusiastic about students gaining as much real-world events experience as possible, alongside their academic work.
He has completed his Masters in Events Management and is preparing to submit his PhD proposal this summer, on the strategic use of events by retail centres. David loves teaching and is extremely proud to collect this award.
‘David made the Law module in the events course really engaging. Each seminar with him was hands on and interactive which made learning so much easier and enjoyable. You could tell he had a real passion for events as well as a ridiculous amount of knowledge and experience.’
Melvyn Ternan
Having co-founded two animation studios, Melvyn went freelance in 2006 running “Melmation – Animation & Film making services”, working on over 150 varied client based projects within the field of animation.
In 2010 Melvyn began teaching at Sheffield Hallam as an Associate Lecturer, becoming a full time Lecturer in 2012, then a Senior Lecturer and Course Leader in 2014. Melvyn also published his first book “Stop Motion Animation” in seven different countries including China, France, Italy, Malaysia, UK, Canada and USA.
Whilst Melvyn enjoys working in all areas of animation, his specialisms are: Pre-Production, Stop Motion, Mixed Media, Project Management and Post-Production. He has delivered numerous animation based workshops to a wide age range both here in the UK and abroad in India and China.
His current areas of interest are: Idea Genesis, Animation technique and riding his motorbike
‘Melvyn’s endless enthusiasm and energy for animation is infectious, he really gets his students excited and motivated. He pushes us all to do our best and seeks out the best opportunities for us. Mel really believes in us and that makes us believe in ourselves.’
Vicky Thirlaway
Vicky practised as a criminal defence lawyer prior to entering Higher Education, with a specialism in representing young people (particularly young people in the care system) in the criminal justice process.
She joined Sheffield Hallam University in 2013, and is now the module leader in public law alongside teaching on the criminal law module. Vicky is also the year tutor for law students at level 4.
Her research interests cover both pedagogy (she is currently undertaking a project to examine the transition to higher education) and the policing of public order. In addition, she is the author of a student textbook in constitutional and administrative law.
‘Vicky can really level with students and manages to explain things without being patronising, which sometimes can be quite a skill. You can tell she really cares about her students and getting the best out of them. She’s a woman who walks into a room and commands the respect of every student.’
David Chan
David has received this award for his inspirational teaching on the BA Hon Applied Social Science course at the School of Continuing and Professional Education (SCOPE), City University of Hong Kong, in partnership with Sheffield Hallam University. David’s students have particularly appreciated his positive attitude, encouragement and patience.
‘David has, not only for me, but for our whole course of students, taken our hands, opened our minds and touched our hearts with his teaching style and his helpfulness. He has supported us throughout our first year and has guided us onto a good path for our future.’
Jeff Durber
Jeff is a senior lecturer in the Sheffield Institute of Arts Jewellery & Metalwork team, teaching across all years of the BA. He is also the Course Leader for the SHU/SHAPE BA Jewellery & Metalwork Top-Up delivered at the Hong Kong Design Institute, where students follow the same programme of study as our final year BA students in Sheffield.
Jeff is passionate about teaching and design education, he strongly believes in the power of art, design and craft based courses in promoting positive change. He feels honoured to have been nominated for this award and says of his practice: ‘It is a privilege and a pleasure to be involved in helping students respond to design challenges and build their resilience, creative confidence and ability to communicate their ideas and enthusiasm’.
‘Jeff encourages us to think outside the box, giving us examples and useful comments when we face difficulty and challenges. He is also a very good listener and guides and supports us, exploring things from a different angle.’
Doris Lo Shuk Ting
Doris has been teaching in higher education since 2008 and is now a lecturer at the School for Higher and Professional Education (SHAPE) of Vocational Training Council (VTC) in Hong Kong SAR.
Over the years, her teaching has been positively recognised by students and she was nominated for a Teaching Excellence Award at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University twice before.
She is now pursuing her PhD at the Faculty of Education of the University of Hong Kong with her dissertation
focus on educational psychology.
Doris is so grateful to receive this Inspirational Teaching Award and will continue to inspire students through different types of teaching and learning activities.
‘Doris’ timely responses and feedback shows her enthusiasm and how seriously she takes her responsibility in teaching. I really appreciate what she has done for me in this academic year. She has inspired me a lot.’
Amanda Mei Chuen Chee
Shortlisted under Nottingham Trent University, Amanda had the opportunity to showcase graduate works in New Designers 2010. Having graduated from the UK, she returned to Malaysia realising the possibilities to further hone her skills in design. She then worked for several in-house illustration companies and in a multitude of creative industry fields – games, interactive, UX design.
The combination of collaborating with other talents and her work experiences led to a broader understanding of the industry and its impact of how graduates can make a living through design; that it’s not merely a pipe dream, but an attainable dream.
Amanda also works with students to encourage the next generation of designers, who can create a meaningful design experience. Is this job tough? You bet, but it’s not impossible. She believes that as educators, we are here to make a difference in people’s lives. Amazing-ness is what we spread.
‘Amanda is truly an amazing lecturer who never hesitates to speak her mind. She always gives constructive feedbacks in every lecture and never fails to do so. She is caring yet strict when it comes to assignments. She always motivates the students and always makes sure we never give up.’
Munyaradzi Nyandoro
Munyaradzi is a senior lecturer in the school of business and leisure at Botswana Accountancy College (BAC).
Munyaradzi worked in the Zimbabwe insurance industry for six years as an Underwriter/Risk Analyst. He has over 10 years of teaching in tertiary institutions in Zimbabwe and Botswana. He teaches Economics, Financial Management, Corporate Finance and Statistics modules at undergraduate level. He has also supervised more than fifty dissertations at undergraduate level on global financial markets, monetary policies, large scale growth (mergers and acquisitions), banking and investments.
Munyaradzi has received four BAC Executive Director awards of excellence in recognition of his contribution to teaching and learning. This is his first overseas award for teaching excellence.
‘I have come to actually understand the real reason why I picked Accounting and Finance in the first place. I was moving from one academic year to the next until my Financial management module and Corporate Finance module, both taught by Mr Nyandoro. He has reignited my passion and I am very thankful.’
Hyacinthe Onillon
Hyacinthe was born in the north west of France and lived and travelled around the world before joining the Sino-British College in Shanghai where she taught across the Business and Management department. She is currently moving back to the UK to pursue a PhD and hopes that her international experience will inspire future graduates in their quest for adventure and self-fulfilment.
Her source of inspiration is her dad, who was born in Vietnam and grew up during the war before being adopted aged 12 and settling in France. Hyacinthe is proud to have been raised on the values of hard work and passion, and aims to share these ideals with her students.
Hyacinthe has found teaching to a cohort that was multi-national, as a fantastic experience and believes that she has learned more from them in the past three years than they did from her.
‘Hyacinthe takes her time to elaborate on anything which might be complicated and she goes out of her way to give us relatable examples. She made every tutorial and seminar interactive which made us more excited and eager to attend her classes. No matter how late the hours were, she stayed and made sure she was available for us.’
Richard Watkinson
After spending the majority of his working life in senior finance roles covering PLCs, SMEs and the public sector, Richard changed career direction in 2012 when he joined SHU as a Senior Lecturer in Accounting and Finance.
A qualified accountant with the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, he holds a PG Cert LTHE, MBA and BA (Hons).
Richard has a particular interest in the employability skills of accounting and finance students and holds the role of Placement and Employability Tutor and leads the department level 5 employability module.
As an early career researcher his current interests surround perceived employability self-efficacy within accounting and finance students; he is working on a research project in this area.
Other research interests include the management accounting practices of UK based SMEs which was the focus of his MBA dissertation.
‘Richard relates current issues and cases that are happening around us in teaching, which makes us interested in his classes as well as allowing us to see what is happening in the world and enhancing our ability to see how to deal with different issues.’
Estee Yap
Dr. Yap Siew Ting received a PhD in Developmental Psychology at the University Putra Malaysia (UPM). She has been involved in the field of education for more than 7 years.
She currently serves as a Senior Lecturer at the Tunku Abdul Rahman University College. Her teaching includes Disorders of Childhood and Adolescence, Conflict Management with Psychology, Professional and Research Ethics in Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, and Testing and Measurement. She is a gold medal winner of the “Invention, Research and Innovation Exhibition” 2014.
Her research interest centres on youth positive well-being. She has published some of her research findings in high impact journals, which include Social Indicators Research and Child Indicators Research.
‘Estee’s teachings have a great impact on use every time, and we always go back home with new insights in our life. Very helpful and interesting learning experience.’
Dr Paul A Bingham
Paul has a BEng (Hons) degree in Materials Science and Engineering (1995) and a PhD in Glass Technology (2000).
From 1999 – 2003 Paul was a Senior Technologist in the glass industry and from 2004 – 2011 he was a PDRA at the University of Sheffield developing energy-friendly materials for immobilisation of wastes.
Paul joined SHU in January 2012 as a Senior Lecturer, with promotion to Reader in 2015. He teaches across Materials Engineering, with focus on composition/structure/property relations and ceramic technology. Paul is a past Course Leader for our Materials Engineering degree courses (FdEng, BEng (Hons)) and has led the past two successful course re-accreditations by IOM3.
He has published over 70 research papers in materials, energy, the environment and waste management. He holds several active research grants and manages several PhD students and PDRA’s.
‘Paul has always been very supportive throughout my studies at SHU. Through his extensive academic knowledge, and patient and understanding nature, Paul has helped me grow in my career. He is an ideal supervisor, always polite and maintained, even in times of frustration.’
Nick Dulake
Nick is a Senior Industrial Designer/Senior Research Fellow at Design Futures, part of ADRC.
His work focuses on design for industry, from concept to production. His consultancy/research experience includes designing and developing products and managing new product development projects across a range of sectors. He has consulted for SMEs as well as major multinationals leading to better user solutions, increased turnover and job creation.
His portfolio includes sophisticated sensor rich wearable devices for health/medical purposes and interactive products using “internet of things” technology. His work has led to 5 patents and he was lead industrial designer on multimillion £ EU funded projects and NHS I4I funded projects.
Nick has supervised 2 PhD students to date and enjoys the interdisciplinary interactions and innovative thought processes this brings.
‘Nick has encouraged both myself and other PhD candidates to pursue extra-curricular activities, which led to me securing funding as a project lead as part of a Festival. Beyond this, he is always open and friendly, helping myself and others through the emotional side of undertaking a PhD.’
Dave Egan
Dave joined what was then Sheffield City Polytechnic in 1979 to teach economics to students in Property Management, Town Planning and Housing Management. A change in career direction led to a move to the Department of Leisure and Food Management in 1997. His current post is Senior Lecturer in Hospitality Management in the Department of Service Sector Management in Sheffield Business School.
His research interests are a mixture of consultancy-type projects, usually bringing an economist’s perspective to a wide range of tourist and environmental projects. Academic research in recent years has focused on applying economic theory to hospitality management and café culture.
He received an award for Best Paper at a recent CHME conference for his paper on café culture. He also has published and delivered numerous papers on aspects of pedagogy. Currently he is actively engaged in doctoral supervisions.
‘Dave is an amazing sounding board and provides great emotional support too. He doesn’t see it as “just getting another completion” but as mentoring you on your research journey.’
Professor Lisa Hopkins
Lisa Hopkins is Professor of English and Head of Graduate School in Development and Society. She is a co-editor of Shakespeare, the journal of the British Shakespeare Association, of the Arden Early Modern Drama Guides, and of Arden Studies in Early Modern Drama. She also co-organises the annual Othello’s Island conference on Cyprus ( ).
She has written mainly on Renaissance drama, but her publications also include Shakespearean Allusion in Crime Fiction: DCI Shakespeare (Palgrave, 2016), Relocating Shakespeare and Austen on Screen (Palgrave, 2009), Screening the Gothic (University of Texas Press, 2005), Bram Stoker: A Literary Life (Palgrave, 2007),and Giants of the Past: Popular Fictions and the Idea of Evolution (Bucknell University Press, 2004).
She has supervised 18 PhD students to completion and co-delivers the university supervisor development course.
‘Lisa is not only an outstanding researcher in her own right, but she is also an exemplary research supervisor. She supervises with a perfect mixture of trust and support: I have always been given the independence to steer my own course of research, but I know that Lisa is there to offer guidance and advice.’
Terry Senior
As a senior research fellow in CSER, Terry is responsible for the design, build and evaluation of all equipment; for all manufactured goods that are made on site; and for the costing and delivery of consultancy projects where development, manufacture and analysis of the product is necessary.
Terry liaises with national funding/governing/government bodies, such as UK Sport, ITF, British Council; and national sporting institutes, such as EIS; and with commercial clients.
He has been involved in the design, manufacture and installation of a number of interactive exhibitions in the UK and overseas. He is responsible for quality control and for all Health and Safety matters relating to CSER’s operations.
Terry supervises PhD and MSc students in experimental research aspects of their studies.
‘Terry’s support to me and my fellow PhD students is unwavering – he is approachable, understanding and thoughtful. He goes above and beyond to support all the students at CSER both professionally and personally. Despite his busy schedule, Terry always makes time for the students in the Centre, tirelessly developing innovative equipment, work-arounds and test setup solutions.’
Amy Birkhead
Since graduating, Amy worked as a mathematics teacher in South Yorkshire. During this time she completed her Masters in Teaching and Learning, focusing on mixed ability teaching and equity in the mathematics classroom.
After joining Sheffield Hallam two years ago, she now teaches in the Mathematics Education department, working with both undergraduates and postgraduates.
‘Amy always has a smile on her face and can always make time for you. From all my lecturers and staff members that I’ve met Amy has definitely given me the most support and guidance. She replies to all my emails about questions I have about various things and provides me with an informative answer.’
Tessa Borg
Tessa has lived in Sheffield all of her life and joined the University in 2001. Since then, she has held various roles in the Sport area, until being appointed as the very first Student Support Officer in December 2008. Tessa currently looks after around 1800 UG & PG students with her fellow SSO Anna and she is often referred to as a student’s “University mum!”
Tessa has a true passion for her role as not one day is the same and although it can be quite challenging she finds great enjoyment in knowing that the advice and guidance she provides to students, helps them to navigate through university life successfully.
Having received the Faculty Outstanding Student Support award for 3 years in a row, she was very pleased to have received the University award this year. She says the comments provided by the students were very touching, but feels she couldn’t do her role in the way she does without the wonderful support of the sport team and wider Faculty and University colleagues.
‘Her personality, professionalism, and humanism, informs students of how to cope with their issues affecting their engagement and achievement, she probably does not even realise how big a positive impact she has on students.’
Polly Newman
Polly started working at Sheffield Hallam University in 2007 in the Sheffield Business School and then moved to the Faculty of Health and Wellbeing to work as a Student Support Officer in Nursing and Midwifery in 2008. She currently works with 750 students, providing advice and guidance and pastoral support. The role can be challenging and demanding, but ultimately very worthwhile.
Polly really appreciates working with the students to fulfill their potential and assisting them to reach their goals. She also believes it is important to have close relationships with colleagues in the immediate team and Nursing Academics. Graduation and Induction are rewarding times of the year and Polly is currently planning Induction for approximately 400 BSc Nursing Students starting in September 2017.
Polly received an Outstanding Student Support Award in 2013.
‘Polly has been supporting me from day one, there’s no way I’d have been able to get as far in my studies without her being a pillar of support. This degree has been one of the most difficult things I’ve done in my life. You really need someone like Polly in your corner.’
Linda Wood
Linda has worked at SHU for nearly 10 years in a variety of student-facing roles.
After completing a degree in psychology at Lincoln University, she considered a career as a counsellor, which is how she found herself joining SHU and supporting the Student Wellbeing Team in an administrative role. This then lead to several different roles within SHU until she joined ACES in 2012.
Linda enjoys working in ACES thanks to a great team of colleagues, and the variety of courses means no two students are the same!
‘Linda has made a real difference to my student experience as she has always been there to support me with any issues that I have got both in and out of University and has shown me that there is always a way around the problem and has given me all the support I need in sorting out the problem.’