SERI: Demystifying the RF1

Hybrid (online and on campus)

Please note this event is for SERI PGRs only   Application for Approval of Research Programme (R1) is one of your first milestones in your doctoral journey. It is a formal assessment point which is designed to provide you with feedback on: the viability of the research the content, clarity and feasibility of the proposed … Continue reading SERI: Demystifying the RF1

SERI: Preparing for the RF2

Hybrid (online and on campus)

All doctoral candidates must undertake a confirmation of doctorate (RF2) procedure. It is a formal evaluation and review of your progress.  In this session, we will cover the RF2 process, whilst in June we will have a one-day workshop on writing your RF2.   What will we cover? Overview of the RF2 process, including the … Continue reading SERI: Preparing for the RF2

Project Planning, RF1 and Developing your Research Question and Hypothesis


Project planning is an essential skill to develop your successful Doctoral program. This session will cover the important aspects of selecting a research question or 'Hypothesis' and how to plan the methodological testing of your research question. The session will include details of how to design and plan a Gantt chart and what is required … Continue reading Project Planning, RF1 and Developing your Research Question and Hypothesis

SERI: Writing your RF2 – A Workshop

On campus - venue TBC

EVENT FOR SERI STUDENTS   In a nutshell, the aim of this one-day workshop is to support you to write your RF2 report.  The workshop will comprise various hands-on learning activities such as small group discussion, analysis of textual samples, short periods of writing, and peer feedback.  While the genre in focus is the RF2 … Continue reading SERI: Writing your RF2 – A Workshop

SERI – Demystifying the RF1 and RF1 Writing Workshop


PLEASE NOTE, THIS SESSION IS FOR SERI STUDENTS ONLY Application for Approval of Research Programme (R1) is one of your first milestones in your doctoral journey. It is a formal assessment point which is designed to provide you with feedback on: the viability of the research the content, clarity and feasibility of the proposed work … Continue reading SERI – Demystifying the RF1 and RF1 Writing Workshop

SERI – Demystifying the RF1 and RF1 Writing Workshop


Application for Approval of Research Programme (R1) is one of your first milestones in your doctoral journey. It is a formal assessment point which is designed to provide you with feedback on: the viability of the research the content, clarity and feasibility of the proposed work plan governance of the proposed research, confirm the full … Continue reading SERI – Demystifying the RF1 and RF1 Writing Workshop

CCRI: RF1 Workshop


The Application for Approval of Research Programme (RF1) is the point at which the university formally approves a candidate’s registration. The RF1 form is submitted 3 months after the date of registration, or 6 months if a student is registered part time. The purpose of the RF1 is to review and approve the content, clarity … Continue reading CCRI: RF1 Workshop

CCRI – RF2 Training


The Application for Confirmation of PhD is a formal assessment point at which the university evaluates whether there is sufficient progress and solid enough base from which to proceed to examination for PhD at level 8. Candidates are required to present and defend their work at a CCRI RF2 symposium and submit a written report … Continue reading CCRI – RF2 Training

SERI – Demystifying the RF1 and RF1 Writing Workshop


Application for Approval of Research Programme (R1) is one of your first milestones in your doctoral journey. It is a formal assessment point which is designed to provide you with feedback on: the viability of the research the content, clarity and feasibility of the proposed work plan governance of the proposed research, confirm the full … Continue reading SERI – Demystifying the RF1 and RF1 Writing Workshop