Windows 10 OS Issues

Playing DVDs

Windows 10 does not include an application for playing DVDs. In order to resolve this DTS have added an application to AppsAnywhere that will play DVDs. The application is called MPC-HC, to find the application search for DVD.

Lecture PCs have the application installed locally and will automatically play a DVD when it is inserted. There is no requirement to launch the application via AppsAnywhere on these workstations.

There is also a Start Menu item for this software. Use Cortana to search for DVD Player.

Which version of the Windows 10 Managed Desktop am I using?

Microsoft are releasing a new version of the Windows 10 Operating System every six months and are only supporting the three most recent releases. This will require the University to update Office workstations with the new OS more frequently than was previously the case, but this does also mean that there will be occasions when workstations within SHU are using a different version of the Windows 10 OS.

Each release of Windows 10 introduces new features and settings, and could also remove existing features.

In order to help support staff and users tell at a glance which version of the Windows 10 Managed Desktop is installed on the workstation we alter the number on the bus that is shown on the login screen to reflect the version of the Windows 10 Managed Desktop that is installed.

The first four characters signify the version of Windows 10 installed.
The fifth and sixth characters signify the MD10 Sprint Release for the version of Windows 10. Your workstation will receive regular Sprint updates. Each update will increase this number and the actions applied will be listed on the Recent Updates page.
The last character signifies the version of Office that is installed.

For the Sprint releases using 1809 the final character should be an ‘F’.

For the Sprint releases using 1703 or 1709 the final character should be a ‘c’.

If you are using a 1511, 1607 or 1703 workstation (the first four characters) or you are using 1709 and your final character is a ‘k’ please contact IT Help so that we can arrange to update your workstation with the latest version of MD10.

Solid blue login screen without the Bus picture

The bus picture is stored in a cache. When we update the desktop we replace the existing bus picture with a new one which requires us to remove the cached picture, which can cause the picture to not display when it is replaced. The bus picture will reappear after the next login occurs, when the updated picture is re-cached.