New version of Office

We’re now using the latest version of Office – Microsoft Office 365 ProPlus – which is based on Office 2016 but is continually updated with new features. It is the same version people can use on their own devices at home because our license allows every student and member of staff to download free up to…

Saving files

There a number of locations for saving your files when using the Windows 10 Managed Desktop. Most of these you will be familiar with, but you now also have your University OneDrive storage available when using the Windows 10 Managed Desktop. Homespace All staff and students have access to your Homespace directory just as you…

Finding your way around the software

The basic suite of software such as Microsoft Office is installed on your PC and you can access it from the start menu as before. Additional software could be installed, depending on the requirements for Teaching and Learning for individual workstations. We would suggest you use the Cortana search feature for easily finding the software…