Emotional Labour in Research

Online via Zoom , United Kingdom

This session considers the emotional labour performed by doctoral researchers. This is because these researchers are a population who commonly intersect four key areas: (1) being new to research, (2) engaging in empirical research, (3) researching sensitive or emotive topics and (4) engaging with vulnerable people and groups. Cumulatively this results in doctoral researchers experiencing … Continue reading Emotional Labour in Research

Skillfluence – Progressing Your Research in Challenging Times

Online via Zoom , United Kingdom

An insightful and reflective programme designed to support researchers to consider the specific challenges they currently face and provide a highly interactive and supportive peer to peer learning environment. Aimed at progressing research during challenging times this workshop is for researchers whose research may be impacted by difficult situations or circumstances, often out of their … Continue reading Skillfluence – Progressing Your Research in Challenging Times

Imposter Phenomenon – Dragonfly Mental Health

Hybrid (online and on campus)

Imposter phenomenon, or the feeling that you don’t truly belong, is very common among academics. The presence of imposter phenomenon is not at all linked to one’s academic achievement record or the amount of effort put into science. A positive assessment of one’s achievements is only a temporary fix to relieve the anxiety imposter phenomenon … Continue reading Imposter Phenomenon – Dragonfly Mental Health

Mental Health in Isolation – Dragonfly Mental Health

Hybrid (online and on campus)

It can be challenging to maintain your mental health. “Mental Health in Isolation” is a talk and facilitated discussion that explains how our body and mind function during challenging times and pinpoints the main areas of everyday life which are affected and provides suggestions, tips and tricks to gain the feeling of stability and sanity. … Continue reading Mental Health in Isolation – Dragonfly Mental Health

A Scientist’s Primer on Depression – Dragonfly Mental Health

Hybrid (online and on campus)

The most common mental illness is depression, yet there are many misconceptions about this illness: what causes it, who is at risk, and how it manifests. Those with high IQ and higher educational attainment are at particularly high risk of developing depression but also less likely to seek treatment largely due to stigma. “A Scientist’s … Continue reading A Scientist’s Primer on Depression – Dragonfly Mental Health

Imposter Phenomenon in Research


Imposter phenomenon, or the feeling that you don’t truly belong, is very common among academics. The presence of imposter phenomenon is not at all linked to one’s academic achievement record or the amount of effort put into research. A positive assessment of one’s achievements is only a temporary fix to relieve the anxiety imposter phenomenon … Continue reading Imposter Phenomenon in Research

Basics of Burnout

Online via Zoom

When does situational or occupational stress become detrimental? What is the difference between Burnout and Depression? Basics of Burnout is a seminar and facilitated discussion which defines the core components of Burnout, presents evidence-based strategies to treat the symptoms, and discusses how to prevent work-related stress.   In this conversation, we cover the prevalence and … Continue reading Basics of Burnout

Mental Health and Learning Disability Research Network – 2023 Workshop

Heart of the Campus HC.0.29

Building on the success of 2022, the organisers wish to invite you to this 2023 event.   Mental Health and Learning Disabilities (MHLD) affect many people over their life course and within SHU there are several people involved across the Colleges in MHLD research and activities.  The co-ordination group, including researchers from each Research Institute, … Continue reading Mental Health and Learning Disability Research Network – 2023 Workshop

Imposter Phenomenon


Imposter phenomenon, or the feeling that you don’t truly belong, is very common among academics.  The presence of imposter phenomenon is not at all linked to one’s academic achievement record or the amount of effort put into research.  A positive assessment of one’s achievements is only a temporary fix to relieve the anxiety imposter phenomenon … Continue reading Imposter Phenomenon