Becky Shaw produces live research works for national educational psychologist and SENCO conference


Between 2018-2021 Becky was lead artist and co-investigator on the AHRC funded project, Odd: Feeling Different in the World of Education. ‘Odd’ involved working in close collaboration with one Manchester school in a team that included art research, educational research and visual anthropology, to explore children’s experiences of not fitting in at school. Despite decades of educational interventions around inclusion […]

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Exhibition: Design Futures: a retrospective – 20 years of design impact

Design Futures Retrospective exhibition

Lab4Living is delighted to host this month Design Futures: a retrospective. On show are selected projects from the last 20 years, conducted by Sheffield Hallam University’s packaging and product design group. Design Futures is a team of award-winning product and packaging designers and researchers. With frequent collaborations with Lab4Living, Design Futures is helping people to live longer, happier and healthier […]

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‘Behind the Wire: Internment during the First World War’ Exhibition with Robbie Aitken & Matthew Stibbe, 26 April 2022

Professor Robbie Aitken & Professor Matthew Stibbe from the Humanities Research Centre are speaking at the ‘Behind the Wire: Internment during the First World War’ exhibition on Tuesday 26 April 2022 at the Old Library Galleries, Leicester.   Behind the Wire is about the more than one million civilians interned throughout the world during the First World War, with special […]

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David Cotterrell’s ‘A Yard for Your Thoughts [The Last Huzzah of British Gunboat Diplomacy]’ at the Side Effects exhibition – 16.06.21 – 30.09.21

David Cotterrell has produced a new work in collaboration with Tom Valentine (aka Thomas Vann Altheimer) for the exhibition, Side Effects // Efectos Secundarios, Volume IV. Steppling Art Gallery at SDSU-IV, in collaboration with I21 Espacio de Proyectos, Mexicali is pleased to present the composite film, A Yard for Your Thoughts [The Last Huzzah of British Gunboat Diplomacy] by David and Thomas under their moniker, The […]

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Paul Chamberlain exhibits at Venice Biennial Architecture exhibition ‘Time Space Existence’

Conversation Piece

Paul Chamberlain (Lab4Living) is exhibiting a new collection of work at Venice Biennial Architecture exhibition “Time Space Existence” which opens 22 May 2021 and runs until 21 November 2021. The traditional structures of our every-day life and the spaces we inhabit are being challenged. Increased life expectancy, a global pandemic and technology pervading every aspect of our lives is blurring […]

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Lab4Living presents ONE/ Exhibition

Lab4Living ONE/ Exhibition

As part of the 100 Year Life Project, supported by Research England, Lab4Living is exploring the question: “We are surrounded by objects that shape our existence, from our first to last breath.  But why do we develop emotional bonds with them?” Two cubes, one in the CANTOR foyer (named ONE/1), and the other in OWEN reception (named ONE/100) will be […]

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Reader in Jewellery & Metalwork, Maria Hanson curates exhibition in Yunnan, China

Maria Hanson, Making Connections - Notions of Beauty exhibition poster

This week Maria Hanson, ADRC’s Reader in Jewellery and Metalwork is undertaking a research trip to Yunnan in China with Chris Knight, silversmith, researcher and senior lecturer in Jewellery and Metalwork. Maria was invited to curate an exhibition of contemporary jewellery and metalwork objects for the BR Gallery in the newly built Dali Intangible Cultural Heritage Museum.  Sally Li, co-founder […]

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‘truth.lie.lie’ – Professor David Cotterrell’s sixth solo exhibition opens at the Danielle Arnaud gallery – 13 September 2019

Banner image for truthlielie - exhibition by David Cotterrell. Images property of David Cotterrell and Ruwanthie de Chickera

truth.lie.lie 13 September 2019 For his sixth solo exhibition at Danielle Arnaud Gallery, David Cotterrell presents a selection of recent and new works considering the mediation of evidence. Installations devised in eclectic contexts in collaboration with artists, actors and news agencies, are brought together within one exhibition to consider common threads of media scepticism, narrative betrayal and structural prejudice. At a […]

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A Strange Weave of Time and Place – Exhibition at Site Gallery 12 – 28 July 2019

A Strange Weave of Time and Place

A new exhibition curated by ADRC PhD student Jeanine Griffin, is announced at Site Gallery in Sheffield. The exhibition ‘A Strange Weave of Time and Place’ explores notions of aura & authenticity in the post-digital context. Among the artists whose work is featured are Sheffield Hallam University Art and Design Research Centre‘s PhD student Diana Taylor, Fine Art reader Penny McCarthy and recent SHU […]

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‘Hideki Nakajima: Made in Japan’ – Exhibition opens at the Sheffield Institute of Arts on 23 April 2019

Banner image for Hideki Nakajima exhibition at the SIA

Hideki Nakajima: Made in Japan Sheffield Institute of Arts at the Old Head Post Office, Sheffield Tuesday 23 April 2019 – Saturday 18 May 2019 Special event on Thursday 09 May 2019, 6PM – 8PM – please RSVP on Eventbrite here. With an introduction by designer, writer and publisher Adrian Shaughnessy. A retrospective of the hugely influential Japanese graphic designer Hideki Nakajima […]

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