
Hi, I’m Ruth and I’ll be your SHU Progress contact at Sheffield Hallam University. My role is to help students apply to University, and then to support you as transition to being a student here at Sheffield Hallam. I’ve worked at Sheffield Hallam since January 2023, and before this I worked at a Housing Association and at the University of Sheffield.

I’ll be in contact about useful information and SHU Progress events via our monthly newsletter and via the Members area, so that you have all the support you need to come to University.

Get in touch with me about any questions you have about Sheffield Hallam or university life, no matter how big or small they are.  You can send an email, phone us, or we can arrange a video call if you’d prefer that.  If there’s something that I can’t answer I will try and find the answer for you or put you in contact with the person that will know.

If you see me at an Open Day or around campus, please say hi!


Hi, I’m Kendra and I work across Access Hallam and SHU Progress. Although you’ll probably speak to my colleagues more often, you might see me at events or Open Days – please do come say hi!