In addition to the support listed on the About SHU Progress page,  you can also access the following support before starting at Sheffield Hallam if you belong to one of these three groups.

The EaCES handbook is an online resource by and for estranged and care experienced students.

Student Wellbeing Service

The Student Wellbeing Service offers a range of confidential support for students who experience emotional, psychological and/or personal difficulties via one to one, group sessions and self-help resources. For students with a mental health diagnoses, specialist staff are able to advise on how to manage your difficulties whilst you are at University.  You can access this advice prior to beginning your course by contacting the SHU Progress team at or (0114) 2254777.

Careers Guidance Appointments

We can help you to book an individual careers guidance appointment with a Specialist Adviser to discuss your future options. Please get in touch with us on or (0114) 2254777.

Funding Support Appointments

If you require guidance on the funding you may be entitled to in your circumstances, you can have an appointment with a Specialist Adviser. Please get in touch with us on or (0114) 2254777.

Accommodation Support (Care Leavers and Estranged Students)

SHU Progress can support you with your accommodation application and help arrange 365-day as well as pre-enrolment accommodation if required. We can help advise you on payments, deposits and guarantors.

For further advice, you can  read our Guide to Accommodation, as well as more specific guidance for Care Leavers and Estranged Students.