In addition to the general advice on the UCAS application, these are some extra points you may wish to consider if you are applying to university without parental support (estrangement). 

1) Writing about your estrangement in your personal statement 
  • Universities welcome applications from estranged students and see it as a real positive if you can reflect on your experiences 
  • Think about how being estranged from your parents has shaped your values and how they relate to why you are applying to a certain course 
  • Consider the skills you have developed as a result of being estranged (e.g. resilience, independence, overcoming challenging times, etc) 
  • Remember, it is completely up to you whether you wish to write about your estrangement in your Personal Statement. We understand that not everyone is comfortable sharing this level of information in their application 

2) Asking your UCAS referee to talk about your estrangement

  • If your UCAS referee (this is usually a teacher or tutor at school/college) is aware that you are estranged from your family, you may wish to ask them to mention this in their reference 
  • Talking about this in the reference could offer course admissions teams at universities greater context about your circumstances and how it has shaped your journey in education 
  • We understand that you may not be comfortable for your referee to disclose this, so you are under no pressure to do so. If, however, you would like your estrangement to be mentioned, please speak to them to share this information 

3) Tick the box!

  • Whether you decide to write about being estranged from your parents or not, we encourage you to tick the relevant box on your UCAS application to share that you are applying to university without the support of your parents or wider family
  • At Sheffield Hallam, it can help us understand what support you may be entitled to when starting in September, and we can ensure you access this fully
  • Ticking the box will not be shared with anyone outside the university

You can check out further useful advice about applying as an estranged student in this guidance put together by UCAS.

For more support, including guidance on finances, wellbeing, and accommodation, take a look at the UCAS page on support for estranged students in higher education.

If you have any further questions, please contact the SHU Progress team at or (0114) 225 4777.