Academic Society of the Year Award 2023

Awarded for outstanding achievement, and/or impact by an Academic Society. Note: for Social Societies, an awards scheme will be run by Sheffield Hallam Students’ Union.

College of Business, Technology and Engineering

Business and Management Society
Economics Society
Enterprise Society
Food and Nutrition Society (FANS)
HR Network Society


HR Network Society: 

Amelia Tuxford; Aoife Tough; Rosie Wade; Ellie Cunningham; Jasmine Bishop Bingley; Jeevan Lidhar Kaur; Zara Hohn-Zeo; Paula Ambroze; Joe Mycock; Ella Simpkin; Lauren Lowry; Xiaoqian He 

What they did: 

“2022/23 has been a stellar year for this society! They were pro-active, organising nominations for the committee in the Spring, and extremely enthusiastic. They met early to sketch their vision and plan of action for the year. They refreshed their social media presence, launching an Instagram account and having regular Facebook polls to ensure events were appealing. They organised some fantastic guest speakers and hosted a range of workshops and events aimed to support the physical and mental wellbeing of our student body, as well as students career prospects in an inclusive and diverse environment. Their first event of the year promoted positive mental and physical well-being, titled ‘Paws for a Good Cause, ‘ hosting two charities, Pets as Therapy (PAT) and Dogs for Good. The event, delivered with the help of Loughborough alumni and motivational speaker Izzie Miller, delivered a range of fun team-building activities and hosted our furry friends to help distress, re-charge and re-energise students after induction week. The event was intended to stimulate conversation around mental and physical well-being in education and the workplace, a very important and current topic in the workplace, with some of the committee even taking part in a Level 1 Mental Health First Aid training course ahead of the event in order to gain the skills to start a conversation with individuals who may be struggling and signpost them to professional help.  


During the Christmas period, they held a lively Christmas party with a quiz, they networked with new joiners and celebrated the festivities with lovely food. The society also attended a fantastic professional body event at the end of 2022, during which time they were offered the opportunity to take part in this year’s [professional body] South Yorkshire Mentoring Scheme, of which some students are now a part of long-term and will continue to regularly receive personal and professional skills advice and up-to-date professional knowledge from their 1-1 mentor. Their upcoming ‘How to ace an interview’ has also been arranged in collaboration with another academic society and will include two expert guest speakers in career advice and professional practice. At the present time, they are preparing an end of year event dedicated to the students and staff who have supported them throughout the year.” 

 What was the impact? 

“The range of workshops and events aimed to support the physical and mental wellbeing of our student body, as well as students career prospects in an inclusive and diverse environment. Events offered students a platform to network, self-reflect, and support others within the society framework. Through providing opportunities for networking with experts in their profession, they have exposed the student body to a number of empowering platforms where they can learn, progress, and thrive with the help of current industry leaders.” 

 How it inspired others: 

“The number of students preparing to undertake placements has more than doubled, as they have had these valuable chances to network, grow in confidence and professional skills. Students have integrated knowledge from the workshops into assignment work and applications for placements and employment. Already students are enquiring about being part of the committee in 23/24!” 

College of Health, Wellbeing & Life Sciences

SHOUT – Sheffield Hallam Occupational Therapy Society


SHOUT – Sheffield Hallam Occupational Therapy Society: 

Lillia Chaffey, Amy Gellion, Hannah Adams, Matthew Thompson, Olivia Batkin, Megan Lloyd, Phoebe White, Oliver Wilson 

What they did: 

“This Society has been newly created under Sheffield Hallam Students’ Union this academic year. They have come together across different cohorts and years of study to create an inclusive and welcoming community that prioritises its members and the direction they want to see the Society grow. They create surveys to gather information on the types of activities their members want to see in order to shape the activities the Committee facilitate. They engage with the relevant staff in the SU to ensure their activities are feasible and continue to deliver high quality events to their members including regular guest speakers and social activities. This Society embody the idea that an Academic Society can be so much more than an extension of a University Course and have created an environment where academic enrichment and social elements work in perfect harmony. The Committee also treat each other with high levels of compassion and the teamwork they demonstrate is exceptional.” 


What was the impact? 

“This Society has brought together students from different levels of study and has created an environment where students can bond over their love for their subject of study. It enriches the academic experience through targeted events and consistently grows its sense of community by bringing students together overall having a positive and lasting impact of those students’ experiences at Hallam.” 


How did it inspired others:  

“This Society is used as inspiration to other new Academic Societies who are looking to find their own balance of academic enrichment and social activity as an example of a group who have got it worked out and thriving!” 

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