Wellbeing: Accepting Me: Developing Self Esteem


For more information on this session and to book a place please visit the website. You will need to login using your usual Sheffield Hallam student username and password.  

LRST: Getting published


For staff and doctoral researchers: This introductory session covers important issues to consider when getting published, particularly focusing on choosing where to publish. Book your place via Unihub.

Wellbeing: Look After Your Mate – Student Minds

City Campus

For more information on this session and to book a place please visit the website. You will need to login using your usual Sheffield Hallam student username and password.

PGR Social

Come along to the PGR social to meet and socialise with other students. This is an informal event for PGR's to meet new people over coffee and biscuits. This is … Continue reading PGR Social