Latest Past Events

Independent Chair/Examiner Workshop

In Person - City Campus

PLEASE NOTE - THIS IS AN ADDITIONAL SESSION DUE TO THE LEVEL OF DEMAND - the content is the same as that on 21 September The workshop is intended to be of benefit to a wide range of Sheffield Hallam staff with an interest in, or responsibility for, research degree student examinations. It is likely … Continue reading Independent Chair/Examiner Workshop

Independent Chair/Examiner Workshop

In Person - City Campus

The workshop is intended to be of benefit to a wide range of Sheffield Hallam staff with an interest in, or responsibility for, research degree student examinations. It is likely to be of particular interest to inexperienced research degree examiners and inexperienced independent chairs and staff who are considering putting themselves forward for either or both … Continue reading Independent Chair/Examiner Workshop

Research Supervisor Passport – Supporting Research Projects

Supporting Research Projects At SHU supervisors have a role to play in advising candidates about their choice of topic and then assisting them to produce a formal research proposal at RF1 stage, develop their ideas at RF2 stage and navigate the ethical approval process. Supervisors are also continuously providing guidance on managing research projects and … Continue reading Research Supervisor Passport – Supporting Research Projects