Getting Published

Online via Blackboard Collaborate

For staff and doctoral researchers:  This introductory session covers important issues to consider when getting published, particularly focusing on choosing where to publish. Book via UniHub Further information via

Reference Management and RefWorks

Online via Blackboard Collaborate

For staff and doctoral researchers:  In this session we will introduce the principles of reference management and demonstrate these principles using RefWorks. Book via UniHub Further information via

Finding and Managing Info / RefWorks Joint Session

Online via Blackboard Collaborate

For staff and doctoral researchers: in this introductory session we will go over some principles of literature searching and how to manage the search process. Book via UniHub Further information via

Being an Influential Researcher 2

Online via Blackboard Collaborate

For staff and doctoral researchers: this session builds on the first session although it’s not essential that you attend both parts. In session 2 you will learn tips for sharing your work on social media, and how you can use Altmetrics to monitor the impact of yourself and others. Book via UniHub Further information via … Continue reading Being an Influential Researcher 2

LRST: Finding and Managing Information

On campus

Session run by the Library Research Support Team This Introductory session covers using databases and other search tools. Open to all staff and Post Graduate Research Students (PGRs); Book via UniHub RDF sub-domain:  A1 – Knowledge Base; C2 - Research Management

LRST: Getting Published

On campus

Introductory session on getting published, including criteria for selecting journals / publishers and tools to help with choosing. Session open to Post Graduate Research Students (PGRs) and all staff Book your place via UniHub RDF sub-domain(s):  D2 - Communication and Dissemination; D3 - Engagement and Impact