Copyright and e-theses (City-November)

City Campus

Booking link: Copyright and e-theses This session is aimed at doctoral students and covers what you need to know about copyright from the very start of your project; when you are writing up your thesis; and when you are depositing an electronic version of your thesis in the SHU Research Archive (aka SHURA, The … Continue reading Copyright and e-theses (City-November)

Social media (City-November)

City Campus

Booking link: Social media In this introductory session we will look at how social media can be useful for researchers. It will cover: How social media can help you connect with other researchers, discover relevant research, and promote your own research How to get the most out of social media Setting up a Twitter account … Continue reading Social media (City-November)

Titles and abstracts (City-November)

City Campus

Booking link: Titles and abstracts In this session we will look at how titles and abstracts can affect how much a paper is read and cited. We'll look particularly at how a clear title and abstract can increase citations, especially for work of an inter or cross-disciplinary nature. Booking link:

Social media (Collegiate-November)

Collegiate Campus

Booking link: Social media In this introductory session we will look at how social media can be useful for researchers. It will cover: How social media can help you connect with other researchers, discover relevant research, and promote your own research How to get the most out of social media Setting up a Twitter account … Continue reading Social media (Collegiate-November)

Copyright and e-theses (Collegiate-November)

Collegiate Campus

Booking link: Copyright and e-theses This session is aimed at doctoral students and covers what you need to know about copyright from the very start of your project; when you are writing up your thesis; and when you are depositing an electronic version of your thesis in the SHU Research Archive (aka SHURA, The … Continue reading Copyright and e-theses (Collegiate-November)

Open Access Publishing (Collegiate-November)

Collegiate Campus

Book here: Open Access publishing In this introductory session we will introduce you to the concepts of Open Access and to the advantages of publishing Open Access, for example, to improve the visibility and citation impact of your research.   We will also consider the following aspects of Open Access publication: The two main 'routes' to … Continue reading Open Access Publishing (Collegiate-November)

Shut Up and Write!

Adsetts 6613 (City) Adsetts Learning Centre, City Campus, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, United Kingdom

Registration link: Book via Eventbrite If you struggle to find time to make regular progress with your writing then a change of scene and some (supportive) peer pressure could help. The aim of a Shut Up and Write! session is to provide you with dedicated time and space, away from everyday distractions, to progress your … Continue reading Shut Up and Write!

Shut Up and Write!

Adsetts 6613 (City) Adsetts Learning Centre, City Campus, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, United Kingdom

Registration link: Book via Eventbrite If you struggle to find time to make regular progress with your writing then a change of scene and some (supportive) peer pressure could help. The aim of a Shut Up and Write! session is to provide you with dedicated time and space, away from everyday distractions, to progress your … Continue reading Shut Up and Write!

Reference management software

Collegiate Library

In this session you will be introduced to reference management software. We will consider how reference management software can help you with your work and then look at the advantages/disadvantages of the various options -RefWorks, EndNote, Mendeley, etc. -  selecting which tool is best for you.  There will then be an opportunity to get started … Continue reading Reference management software