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SBS/BTE PGR & ECR Conference 2022
11 May 2022
PGRs and ECRs Conference 2022 – 11 May 2022
Sheffield Business School | Business, Technology and Engineering College
Theme: The need to re-imagine the key purposes of a research: Does Impact matter?
In the new era where the wider societal impact of our research, teaching, and scholarship has never been more important, the current business and management research ecosystem seems to be getting in the way of producing knowledge that is ultimately helpful in addressing the challenges facing business and society, especially during the Pandemic and Post-Pandemic. Starting with the ESRC/UKRI definition of research impact as ‘the demonstrable contribution that excellent research makes to society and the economy’ Defining impact – UKRI we recognise there are different understandings of impact in business and management research. We therefore ask:
What does impact mean to your research?
What is the impact of your research, on whom and how?
Does ‘Impact’ matter at all?
Further information on the presentations, speakers and Zoom joining links can be found via the PGRs and ECRs Conference Programme 2022.
You are invited to join this conference, which brings our PGRs and ECRs from three departments: Department of Management, Service Sector Management, Finance, Accounting and Business System Department in the business school together in sharing their research with a focus on the ‘Impact’.
The conference programme will offer a range of sessions designed to showcase PGRs and ECRs excellent research over a diverse range of research topics, each with their unique impact. It will offer a supportive and encouraging research culture and environment.
The conference programme includes external and internal keynote speakers who will be providing their insights into research ‘Impact’.
Keynote speakers who have agreed to present are:
- Professor Mark Saunders, Director of Global Engagement, Birmingham University Business School
- Dr Jonathan Gorst, Deputy Head of the Department of Management, Sheffield Business School, BTE College
During this one-day event Post-Graduate Researchers (PGRs) and Early Career Researchers (ECRs) will also have opportunities to do ‘Speed Networking’ to initiate an opportunity to develop a form of mentor and mentee relationships in post conference if they wish to.
Please direct any questions about the event to Dr Fariba Darabi – f.darabi@shu.ac.uk