‘Usability and Innovation: The Key Role of Research for Business’ – Professor Daniela Petrelli talks at conference at Università Iuav di Venezia

Università Iuav di Venezia – Dipartimento di Culture del progetto Usability and Innovation: The Key Role of Research for Business Conference, taking place 18 April 2023, Cotonificio aula Gradoni, 1430. Marco Zamarato, Google Research Center Hugo Gamboa, NOVA University of Lisbon Benjamin van Buren, The New School University of New York Daniela Petrelli, Sheffield Hallam University Oliver Siy, Google Research […]

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‘Taking Museum Visitors Beyond Information’: Professor Daniela Petrelli presents at Design Informatics research seminar in Edinburgh – Thursday 31 October

Banner image - Daniela Petrelli, Design Informatics

Design Informatics – Designed to Generate Emotions: Taking Museum Visitors Beyond Information Thursday 31 October 2019, 4PM Inspace, 1 Crichton Steet, Edinburgh Since the late 90s, mobile devices have been a favoured platform for the delivery of digital content in cultural heritage settings and apps are now commonplace. The emerging Internet of Things could change this landscape: by enabling the seamless […]

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Cultural heritage: Daniela Petrelli kicks off ILUCIDARE co-creation atelier in Kraków

Daniela Petrelli at the ILUCIDARE co-creation atelier (Image taken from ILUCIDARE Twitter)

Sheffield Hallam’s Professor of Interaction Design Professor Daniela Petrelli was recently at the International Cultural Centre in Kraków for the second meeting of the ILUCIDARE Consortium. ILUCIDARE is a project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme with the aim of establishing an international network promoting heritage as a resource for innovation and international cooperation. Daniela started off the co-creation atelier taking […]

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‘Overcoming language barriers’ – Daniela Petrelli speaks at the Cross-Lingual Bibliographic Search final workshop

Banner image for CLuBS project - featuring Daniela Petrelli

Sheffield Hallam’s Professor of Interaction Design Professor Daniela Petrelli has been invited to speak at the final workshop of the Cross-Lingual Bibliographic Search (CLuBS), on Friday 07 June 2019 at the Saarland Informatics Campus in Germany. The aim of CLuBS is an empirical evaluation of four different approaches in the field of cross-lingual information retrieval based on the psychological search engine PubPsych with the final […]

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Professor Daniela Petrelli invited to give keynote at Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval Conference

Banner image - from CHIIR2019 - Daniela Petrelli keynote

Sheffield Hallam’s Professor of Interaction Design Professor Daniela Petrelli has been invited to give a keynote speech at the ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval Conference (CHIIR), being hosted at Glasgow’s Strathclyde Technology and Innovation Centre this month. The conference runs from Sunday 10 March to Thursday 14 March 2019. Online information influences every aspect of our lives: work, leisure […]

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Wednesday 27 February 2019 – Lunchtime Seminar with Professor Anirudha Joshi (IDC School of Design, IIT Bombay, India)

Title: Interaction design for emergent users – Leveraging digital technologies to solve problems of developing economies Speaker: Professor Anirudha Joshi (IDC School of Design, IIT Bombay, India) Date and time: Wednesday 27 February 2019, 1pm-2pm Hosted by: Professor Luigina Ciolfi and Professor Andrew Dearden Abstract In HCI courses, we learn how to design products that deploy information and communication technologies (ICTs). […]

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Sheffield-Busan art collaboration: Senior lecturer in Design Interaction Ben Tew featured in Sheffield Telegraph piece on UK artists in South Korea

Image of Ben Tew, from SIA website

Ben Tew, senior lecturer MA Design Interaction at Sheffield Institute of Arts (SIA) has been involved with an Intercity Arts Project linking Busan and Sheffield aimed at introducing audiences to work and collaborations between artists from the two countries and creating opportunities for English arts in South Korea. Ben, along with Sheffield artist Paul Morrison, went to Busan last summer […]

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Professor Daniela Petrelli giving series of lectures at Politecnico di Milano on 06-09 November

Image of Daniela Petrelli with Politecnico di Milano logo

Professor Daniela Petrelli (Professor of Interaction Design at Sheffield Hallam University) has been invited to give a series of lectures to MA students, PhD students and staff of Politecnico di Milano School of Design this November. On Monday 06 November, Daniela will be unpacking the relationship between materials and interactive experience in a talk entitled ‘Arguing the case of holistic […]

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