‘Usability and Innovation: The Key Role of Research for Business’ – Professor Daniela Petrelli talks at conference at Università Iuav di Venezia

Università Iuav di Venezia – Dipartimento di Culture del progetto

Usability and Innovation: The Key Role of Research for Business

Conference, taking place 18 April 2023, Cotonificio
aula Gradoni, 1430.

Marco Zamarato, Google Research Center
Hugo Gamboa, NOVA University of Lisbon
Benjamin van Buren, The New School University of New York
Daniela Petrelli, Sheffield Hallam University
Oliver Siy, Google Research Center
Michele Cadamuro, Electrolux Professional
Matteo Faggin, SMACT Competence Center
Luciano Perondi, Iuav University of Venice
introduced by Michele Sinico, Iuav University of Venice

Conference poster available here.

Professor Daniela Petrelli

Professor of interaction design at the Art and Design Research Centre, Sheffield Hallam University Dr Daniela Petrelli is director of the Digital Materiality Lab at the Art and Design Research Centre, an interest group looking into new digital-material hybrids. She started working on new technologies for cultural heritage in 1996 designing the first context-sensitive personalised interactive mobile guide. She recently led the European project meSch that explored tangible and embodied interactions in museums and heritage sites. She has also published over 100 international peer-reviewed contributions and received twelve awards both from academia and industry.