Dr Sharon Kivland’s ‘Freud on Holiday’ series featured on Swedish radio

The poet and psychoanalyst Ulf Karl Olov Nilsson has read a series of books about Sigmund Freud’s holiday habits. As part of the series broadcast on Swedish radio Sverigesradio on 22 August 2016, he discussed Sharon Kivland’s book series, Freud on Holiday. You can access the item on Swedish Radio’s website here.
Working with Freud’s published works and archives Kivland has established the routes and itineraries of four of Freud’s trips and priced together other historical traces of his thoughts and experiences during and surrounding each of those holidays. Through an uncanny blend of writings, photographs, drawings, postcards and other fragments, Kivland assembles her books using traditional genres to produce a new type of artistic performance.
Find out more about Sharon Kivland’s work here and read more about Freud on Holiday here.
Sharon Kivland is a Reader in Fine Art at Sheffield Hallam University.