Monday 22 July 2019 – Lunchtime Seminar with Dr Sonja Pedell (Associate Professor and Director of the Future Self & Design Living Lab at Swinburne University, Australia)

Title: Advocacy for and co-design with older adults and people living with dementia
Speaker: Dr Sonja Pedell (Associate Professor and Director of the Future Self & Design Living Lab at Swinburne University, Australia)
Hosted by: Lab4Living
This presentation will focus on advocacy for and co-design with older adults and people living with dementia – both are considered not only to be crucial to give people a strong voice in the process and empower them, but also to create designs that are adopted and used long-term. Co-design and advocacy are objectives and values that weave through research, teaching and industry training provided by the Living Lab.
Sonja will talk about three current projects of the Future Self & Design Living Lab, which focus on: the development of an emotion-led design methodology; the co-creation of an app with older adults living with advanced dementia; and a collaboration between design students and older adults to develop toolkits to co-create personalised and tailored aged care services. There will be the opportunity to experience one of these toolkits.
Associate Professor Sonja Pedell is Director of Swinburne University’s Future Self & Design (FSD) Living Lab. The FSD Living Lab has core development capabilities in the area of innovative socio-technical systems and design solutions for health and well-being with a focus on the ageing population, and on dementia. Prior to taking up this role at Swinburne, Dr Pedell completed a Masters of Psychology from the Technical University of Berlin, a PhD in Interaction Design at the University of Melbourne and was employed as an Interaction Designer, Usability Consultant and Product Manager in industry for several years.
1.30PM – 2.30PM
Dr Pedell’s talk is part of a wider symposium titled Lab4Living and Beyond, taking place on the morning of Monday 22 July. Arranged by early career researchers within Lab4Living, we hope the symposium will provide a snapshot of what we do in the Lab, as well as enable meaningful connections and collaborations for future work. Places are free but limited – further details and registration is available here.
Dr Pedell will be joining the Lab4Living team from Friday 19 July for a month as the first in a series of Visiting Scholars – read more here.