‘Ecocinema and Cultural Heritage, New Perspective on the Past’ – Research seminar with Lucia Di Girolamo (University of Campania) on Wednesday 13 December

Please join us on Wednesday 13 December, when we are pleased to host Lucia Di Girolamo of University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”, introduced by Dr Rinella Cere for a research seminar exploring new forms of identity and being, unveiled by Ecocinema approaches in:
Ecocinema and Cultural Heritage, New Perspective on the Past.
In the 20th century, the Anthropocene brought about a total change in the relationship of human beings with the environment and other living beings. The invasion of technology and environmental exploitation have also changed humanity’s relationship with past history and its traces, leading to two types of attitudes: one, the ‘sacralisation’ of cultural heritage, dictated by the fear of losing one’s roots and two, indifference, in the name of the economic benefits brought by policies of environmental exploitation. Through a total immersion in contemporary reality and environmental issues, the Ecocinema approach is able to unveil new forms of human beings’ relationship with the testimonies of the past and their own memory. The result is new forms of identity and being in the world.
Ecocinema and Cultural Heritage, New Perspective on the Past, with Lucia Di Girolamo (University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”)
Wednesday 13 December 2023, 1400-1500
Cantor 9234
All welcome
Lucia Di Girolamo is a researcher at the University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”. From 24 August 2020 to 31 December 2021, she was a research fellow for the PRIN project (Progetto di Ricerca di Interesse Nazionale) Archives of the South at the University of Catania. She completed her doctoral study in History of Performing Arts (History of Cinema) from the University of Florence in 2009. Her main research interests are focused on the investigation of the ‘artistic and cultural heritage’ in silent and contemporary cinema, on the representation of the Italian South in audiovisual products, on the representation of women, on the relations between cinema, theater and song in the early years of the twentieth century and on the landscape as a mythopoetic horizon for reworking identities. She has published two books: Il cinema e la città. Identita, riscritture e sopravvivenze nel primo cinema napoletano (Cinema and the City. Identity, Rewriting and Survivals in Early Neapolitan Cinema, ETS, 2014); Per amore e per gioco. Sul cinema di Pedro Almodovar. (For Love and Play. On the Cinema of Pedro Almodovar, ETS, 2015). She has also published numerous articles on myth and cinema, on women and cinema and on Southern Italian cinema. Currently she is researching the ways in which cinema reproposes cultural heritage via the digital platforms.
All welcome, free to attend – and please share with your colleagues and PGR students!
Please contact the Culture & Creativity Research Institute if you would like to join, or with other queries.
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