Design4Health 2013

The Lab4Living team would like to thank all the delegates, exhibitors and presenters from around the world, that came to Sheffield and Sheffield Hallam University for the 2nd Design 4 Health event. There were 104 delegates representing a total of 19 different countries including Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, China, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, Switzerland, Sweden and USA. This […]

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Lab4Living wins NIHR i4i bid to develop new ‘HeadUp’ neck supports

Designers from Lab4Living have been successful in winning an i4i (Invention for Innovation) research bid from the NIHR with partners from D4D (Devices for Dignity) and SITraN (Sheffield Institute for Translational Neuroscience). The project will be developing a new neck collar for people with neck muscle weakness, using Motor Neurone Disease as the focus. The project was initially proposed by […]

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Design Futures sponsors Medilink Innovation Award

Design Futures - Midilink Innovation Award sponsor

Design Futures have recently announced their sponsorship of the Innovation Award to be presented at The Medilink Innovation Reception and Healthcare Business Awards 2011 being held at the National Railway Museum in York on 09 November 2011. The event, run in partnership with the South Yorkshire Comprehensive Local Research Network, will provide the opportunity for guests from across the industry to meet, […]

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Lab4Living help bring a Dragon Boat Simulator to Sheffield’s Winter Gardens

L4L Dragonboat Simulator

A group of interdisciplinary researchers from Sheffield Hallam University hosted a Dragon Boat simulator in Sheffield’s Winter Gardens between 14-18 March. This was an interactive installation supported by the Engineering for Life project at SHU which has been funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) under the Bridging the Gaps initiative. Dr Vesna Milanovic from the Engineering for Life team says: […]

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‘engagingaging’ – Lab4Living’s exhibition on at The Building Centre, London

Image of The Building Centre London for engagingaging exhibition

The Building Centre in London is currently playing host to engagingaging: an exciting series of events including a workshop and an exhibition centred on the theme of ageing and identity. The work represents an international collaboration between Sheffield Hallam University in the UK and Chang Gung University in Taiwan and forms part of a much larger research project comparing the experiences […]

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Lab4Living’s ‘Engagingaging’ exhibition at MOCA studio Taipei

2010 LAB4LIVING - Engagingaging Taiwan Banner

The MOCA studio in Taipei is currently hosting the Lab4Living‘s Engagingaging exhibition. This is made up of two parts: Stigma and Dream Space, with both works exploring the physical and cognitive changes that are a part of the ageing process. The works explore similarities and differences in culturally diverse settings. It has been funded by the SPARC Network and by the British […]

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Lab4Living facilitating design competition and workshop

Banner image composition - design images

Lab4Living is hosting and facilitating a design competition and workshop on 14-15 July this year. It is sponsored by and KT-EQUAL and Devices 4 Dignity (Department of Health) and will be jointly delivered by Lab4Living at Sheffield Hallam University and the Engineering Design Centre at Cambridge University. After a briefing about different design methods, three teams will be given real […]

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Lab4Living’s Claire Craig wins Higher Education Academy award

Lab4Living - Claire Craig award Photo copyright: Richard Hanson (0793 908 1208) Claire Craig. lab4living - Sheffield Hallam University. Commissioned by Chris Gibson at ACES marketing, SHU. 9.3.09

Lab4Living‘s Claire Craig (Occupational Therapy, Department of Allied Health Professions) has won the Higher Education Academy Subject Centre for Health Sciences & Practice Learning & Teaching Award (institution based) for 2009-2010. The nomination for this award is made jointly by a student and academic colleague who both drew attention to Claire’s focus on the student experience and inspirational teaching.  The […]

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