Sheldon Hall’s new book ‘Armchair Cinema: A History of Feature Films on British Television’ will be published by Edinburgh University Press on 30 June

Since broadcast television first emerged to challenge the cinema as a form of public entertainment, more people have seen films on TV than by any other means, including the cinema itself. Feature films created to be viewed on the big screen were initially withheld from TV by the film industry. But from the mid-1960s, thousands of films have been shown […]

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SHU Researchers involved in recent mass UFO sighting at Todmorden, Yorks

On Saturday 11th May 2024 SHU researchers Dr David Clarke (CMS) and Andrew Robinson (A&D) hosted an event at the Centre for Folklore, Myth and Magic in Todmorden to a sold-out audience of over 50 people where they introduced who their research into visual representations and public perceptions of UFOs and UAPs (Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena). The research, titled ‘In The […]

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Professor Lise Autogena has been awarded a national Lifelong Honorary Award by the Statens Kunstfond, the Danish Art Foundation

Professor Lise Autogena has been awarded a national Lifelong Honorary Award by the Statens Kunstfond, the Danish Art Foundation The Danish Art Foundation has a long tradition of giving national lifetime honour awards to artists who have made a unique contribution to art and culture in Denmark. Lise Autogena, Professor of Cross-Disciplinary Art at Hallam, was awarded the Lifelong Award for Visual Arts, in recognition […]

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Tales from the rails – exhibition at Sheffield Railway Station from the 28th May

Paul Whitfield (Creative Writing PhD student) has recently been working on a creative project  (Tales from the Rails) with students from Newfield School. The results have inspired artistic responses from Artworks and an exhibition is about to take place at Sheffield Railway Station from the 28th May, running through June and July. Tales from the Rails celebrates stories from early rail history in […]

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On the Radar: Fernanda Pires (Barcelona) – The Almighty Algorithm & YouTube Videos – Weds 29th May 3pm Cantor

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For the final ‘On The Radar’ talk this semester, we are pleased to welcome Fernanda Pires from Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. All are welcome, the talk will take place on Weds 29th May at 3-4pm in Cantor 9235. The Almighty Algorithm: Users’ YouTube Algorithm Portrayal on YouTube videos – Fernanda Pires Everyday activities are increasingly mediated by personalization algorithms and AI systems that are integral to digital platforms. […]

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