John Goodby speaking on Dylan Thomas at various events this Spring/Summer!

On Friday 17 May, John Goodby spoke at Worcester College Oxford on Dylan Thomas. This was a joint academic and cultural event, with a lecture and a song-setting recital. More information can be found here.

He also delivered a talk on Saturday 18 May on Dylan Thomas’s Under Milk Wood, at Llantarnam Grange Arts Centre in Cwmbran. More information on this event can be found here.

On Thursday 4 July, John Goodby also plans to give a talk on Under Milk Wood at the Ledbury Poetry Festival. The programme can be found online.

You can listen to John speaking on Dylan Thomas and Crime and Detective Fiction here.



John Goodby is a Professor of Arts and Culture at Sheffield Hallam University. His research specialisms are Irish writing, Welsh poetry, and British / US poetry, especially modernist poetry, more broadly. He is the leading authority on the work of Dylan Thomas and the author / editor of five books on the subject; in this capacity he has worked with and as a consultant to: the BBC, the Arts Council, the National Trust, Aardman Films, the OU, the British Library, British Council. He is a poet and translator of poetry (to date, from Italian, French, and German), with a strong interest in non-anglophone poetries. He has an interest in the visual arts and modern art music, and this is reflected in several collaborations with composers and artists. As an active arts organiser, John has organised poetry festivals, edited poetry anthologies and magazines, run a poetry press, and curated and presented poetry reading series.