Podcast LX tool is no longer available

There are serious problems with the Podcast LX tool now in Blackboard which means we have had to disable it.  Many individuals were using it as a way of uploading audio files to their site rather than as an actual podcast their students would download from outside of Blackboard.  Since Blackboard now contains an easy way to…

Organisation site archiving is now complete

The archiving of 2010/11 organisation sites has now been completed. Please keep in mind that most organisation sites will need a new version each academic year, so it may be that you need to start using the 2011/12 version of the site. However, if an organisation site has been mistakenly archived which is still being used…

shuspace has changed!!

On 5th September the first phase of the Refresh shuspace project went ahead successfully with changes to the shuspace interface, tabs and channels.  Staff and students can find out more about the new interface by logging into shuspace, and looking for the Have You Seen channel on that first page (the My SHU tab), where…

Preparing your 2011/12 Blackboard sites

Please note that you should ensure your Blackboard sites for 2011/12 are ready to use and available to students by the start of teaching (nine things to do to prepare your site). In the Bb-support tab in shuspace you will find online resources to support you with preparing your 2011/12 sites and details for how…

Archiving of Blackboard sites

Organisation Sites Each year in September we archive Blackboard organisation sites from the previous year (2010/11 in this case). This year archiving will take place on 19 September.  Archiving is done to clean up the view for staff and students and ensure the correct Blackboard sites are used in the coming year.  Some staff have organisation sites which need to remain active until…

Which browser should I use in Blackboard and shuspace?

There’s an increasing amount of web browsers (software programmes that allow you to view web sites) available to use.  The most popular browser has been Internet Explorer for many years, but there are other browsers that are growing in popularity, particularly due to the growth of mobile devices which have their own browsers.  Firefox and Chrome are two browsers…

Logging into Blackboard and shuspace

So while this seems to be a fairly simple topic for the blog, I thought it was worth doing as it is proving to be one of the most searched for terms in reaching the blog on the Internet. Currently, if you try accessing Blackboard via the old URLs (blackboard.shu.ac.uk and my.shu.ac.uk) you may receive certificate errors. …