Archiving of Blackboard sites

Organisation Sites

Each year in September we archive Blackboard organisation sites from the previous year (2010/11 in this case). This year archiving will take place on 19 September.  Archiving is done to clean up the view for staff and students and ensure the correct Blackboard sites are used in the coming year.  Some staff have organisation sites which need to remain active until a later time point, such as those for summer cohorts like TARC and nursing.  To ensure your organisation site has the correct archive date, please follow these instructions on how to check your site’s archive date.

Most organisation sites for 2011/12 have been set up already as part of the copy process that happens in May (if there was one from the previous academic year). However if you need a new or different organisation site for 2011/12, you should request one by following the instructions on how to request an organisation site.

Module Sites

Note that students and staff retain access to module sites from previous years as long as there are any students who took that module still enrolled on the course, meaning module sites are not archived on 19 September.

However the module sites from previous years will be automatically moved out of the ‘Current Sites’ tab in shuspace on 1 September.  These sites from previous years will still be available via the ‘All Sites’ tab.  Users can choose which sites appear in ‘Current Sites’ and which in ‘All Sites’ by overriding the default settings. Read more about student and staff access to past module sites.

If you need a module site for 2011/12, then please request one by following the instructions on how to request a module site.

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