Assessment deadlines in Blackboard

This is a reminder that deadlines for assessments in Blackboard (such as Assignment and Turnitin submissions, Test attempts, and Self-and-Peer Assessments) should not be set after 4:00pm on Fridays, or at any time on Saturdays, Sundays, or when the University is closed for holidays. These times are considered ‘at-risk’ periods when essential systems maintenance on…

New Turnitin support resources for staff and students

Many staff are using Turnitin with their students to improve referencing or teach about academic integrity. However Turnitin has a different interface than Blackboard which sometimes leads to staff confusion about how to set it up and how to access and interpret the reports it generates.  To help with this, faculty e-learning advisers have created some screencast tutorials about…

Case study: Using peer feedback to enhance employability

In this case study, the module leader in an Engineering module used a peer-feedback activity to encourage students to self-reflect and make use of the feedback provided by their peers to improve the quality of their placement job applications. The approach developed the students’ employability skills and engagement with assessment criteria. Although the activity was…

Case study: Feeding forward using audio feedback

In this case study, a tutor in a final year Research Methods module provided an audio recording for each individual student as feedback on a formative piece of work. Recordings were created using a simple recording device that could be plugged in to the computer or free-standing, and then uploaded to the module’s Blackboard site…

What is Turnitin?

This is part of a regular series of articles exploring some of the terms used in e-learning (view other articles in the series).  We’ll do our best to break down the jargon and explain what things are from a basic perspective. Turnitin is an online text-matching service available via Blackboard at SHU. Users of the service can submit work in…

Screencast tutorials for students

Some staff members have said they want more resources to help them support their students in Blackboard. Often staff also want to see what the student experience of using Blackboard features is like, particularly around the assessment process. To help with this, we have compiled a list of screencasts we have created that you can use…

Research: A literature review about using technology to encourage student engagement with feedback

This journal article by Sheffield Hallam academics is a literature review of the past decade’s research into technology’s role in encouraging student engagement with feedback. This includes where technology releases feedback to students quickly, generates feedback automatically, and encourages action based on that feedback. This literature review was initially created as part of the HEA-funded Technology,…

Alternatives to the essay

Recently we had a roundtable discussion on the topic of alternative assessment formats besides traditional essays. The academics who came had a lively discussion around assessment practices and different forms of assessments. As an outcome of this discussion, we have created a briefing document about essays and other approaches.