Blogs, Journals and Wikis – important changes

The recent upgrade to Blackboard has introduced a change to the blog and wiki tools that have been available inside Blackboard sites for the past few years.  The old blog and wiki tools were provided by a company called Campus Pack. They have served us well for the past years. However they are not part of the…

Assignment Handler upgrade 7 January 2011

We have been working with Blackboard to make improvements to the Assignment Handler tool, and the upgrade is planned for the evening of Friday 7 January. If you are not familiar with the Assignment Handler it is essentially a tool that allows students to submit work online and for tutors to download, grade and provide…

Case Study: Providing Individual Audio Feedback

In this case study, a 16-strong teaching team on a level 4 nursing module provide a spoken word audio recording for each individual student as assignment feedback. Recordings were created with easy to use digital tools available to all SHU staff, uploaded to the module’s Blackboard site and released to students. Students were able to…

Sessions for 28th October – 5th November

Below are sessions taking place over the next two weeks.  For more information or to book a place, please click on the link below: Good practice in Blackboard 9 site design and preparation Thursday 28th October, 11:30am – 1:00pm, Owen 330, City Campus Using Turnitin for automatic referencing feedback Monday 1st November, 10-11:00am, Howard 5221, City…

Important information about Turnitin

Turnitin will be upgraded at the beginning of September, and will see the launch of Turnitin2. You don’t need to do anything except note that Turnitin will not be available from 6pm on Saturday 4 September 2010 until 2am on Sunday 5 September 2010. You and your students will not be able to submit work…

Why are some of my students missing from the Grade Centre?

Recently we’ve had a few queries from staff who noticed that some of their students are no longer showing up in the Grade Centre, and actually the Blackboard site as a whole.  This will particularly happen in final year modules.  When students have completed their studies at the university, they are marked as completed in…

New sessions after Easter..

From the 20th April we will be running the following sessions as a part of the Refreshing e-learning at SHU initiative. These sessions focus on some of the practicalities of e-learning, and some will give staff the opportunity to consider the topics particularly in the context of Blackboard 9. Dates will be released after the…

Why do we do e-learning? Part 4: Authentic Learning Opportunities

This is the fourth in a series of posts exploring the 6 guiding principles behind why we promote e-learning at Sheffield Hallam University. Each of the principles underscores the benefits of integrating e-learning opportunities into the curriculum, and each is supported here by student quotes from research into how our students use technology to support and enhance their learning.  Today’s guiding…