Student Voice Award – 2024

Awarded for actively advocating the voice of students and representing their collective interests. 

Presented by Dr Neil McKay – Dean of Students

Seun Seidu

College of Business, Technology & Engineering

Photo of award winner holding certificate and trophy

What they did:

I would like to acknowledge the role this person played to ensure that every voice is heard especially their role in ensuring that Muslim students have enough space to pray on Fridays even when they’re not a Muslim. Also the nominee has stood for so many students ans helped them out of difficult situations.
The student embodies a passionate commitment to amplifying the voices of their peers. Recognizing a gap in the attention given to placement students in the Logistics Department, the student took swift action. They proactively composed an email, addressing the issue and ensuring it reached the responsible parties. Notably, the student’s approach included copying the course leader to guarantee comprehensive awareness and swift resolution.
Beyond rectifying specific concerns, the student consistently makes their presence felt during welcome events across various departments in BTE. This outreach serves to make them accessible to new students navigating the intricacies of the department. By actively engaging in these events, the student not only demonstrates a dedication to fostering a sense of community but also ensures that the concerns and queries of fellow students are heard and addressed promptly.
The student is a mentor, an exemplary leader with great passion. They echo what the student says to want to appropriate authorities indeed, A VOICE FOR THE STUDENT COMMUNITY. They always listen. They deserves an honour.
What was the Impact?
Because of the nominee’s efforts the Muslim students now use the Hallam Student Union for Friday prayers and many students today are out of different academic misconduct cases because of the nominee and their interventions.
The impact of the student’s proactive approach to student voice advocacy has been tangible and far-reaching. The act of copying the course leader in the email demonstrated a commitment to transparency and accountability. This approach ensured that not only the specific individuals involved but also relevant higher-ups were made aware of the situation, fostering a culture of responsiveness and accountability within the academic structure.
Participating actively in welcome events across various departments has created a welcoming atmosphere for new students. The student’s visibility in these settings provides a reassuring presence for those navigating the initial challenges of a new academic environment. This engagement contributes to a sense of community, making it easier for students to voice their concerns and feel heard.
The nominee has motivated me as a person and other colleagues of mine, always ready to impact to others. Passionate about was they do.
How it inspired others:
It renewed the confidence in students knowing someone has their back and speaks for them especially groups that are minoritized.
The student’s proactive and empathetic approach to addressing student concerns has served as an inspiration for others within the academic community. By taking swift action to resolve issues, the student showcased the power of individual agency in effecting positive change. Witnessing their proactive advocacy, other students have been inspired to actively engage in addressing challenges rather than passively accepting them.
Additionally, the student’s active participation in welcome events across departments has set a precedent for community engagement. Other students have been encouraged to make themselves visible in various settings, fostering a supportive atmosphere for newcomers and contributing to the overall sense of unity within the academic community.
In essence, the student’s actions have sparked a ripple effect, motivating others to be proactive advocates for student concerns and actively contribute to a positive and inclusive academic environment. Their leadership serves as a model for peers, illustrating the transformative impact that individuals can have when they take initiative and prioritize the collective well-being of the student body.
The student has raised a lot of people through their experience, knowledge and skills. Resilient in making their impacts felt in the midst of their community.

Tammara Corkish Lambley

College of Health, Wellbeing & Life Sciences

Photo of award winner holding certificate and trophy

What they did:

This nominee joined the dept of N&M in Sept 2021 to study child nursing. They have consistently contributed to not only their individual academic advising (AA) group, but have inspired, shaped and supported others along their 3 year journey to becoming a qualified child nurse. They are a valued and active student rep, professionally and sensitively communicating the voice of their peers to a variety of department meetings, including student voice. They have supported and positively encouraged participation of peers in this role too, role modelling the importance of the role and the positive benefit it can have for the wider cohort and the overall wellbeing of the student experience.
Coming to the end of their 2rd year of study, in the summer of 2023 they gave birth to a beautiful baby boy, attending an AA session in a 40 degree heatwave beyond their due date. Furthermore they then attended less than 10 days post delivery (Emergency C Section) for a celebration of completion of level 5 event.
Midway through their pregnancy, they were struck by a driver (Failed to stop at a red light) on a pelican crossing on their way home from clinical placement. They sustained appropriate injuries for a car versus person incident, and experienced a period of uncertainty as to the health of their unborn baby.
This individual’s commitment to their study and the professionalism with which they have presented themselves throughout their course has been a joy to observe. Their peers value this individuals contribution to their AA group and to their wider academic journey in various seminars, lectures and workshops. They can be relied on to contribute knowledge and also offer practical assistance or a calm voice to peers within a wide variety of situations.
What was the Impact?
The impact of this individual’s behaviours and attitudes have been clearly visible and measurable. Their peers have gained a positive role model and the relationships across the AA group have flourished and will be sustained well beyond their graduation day. Nursing is a privileged vocational qualification that affords friendships for life.
Their considered representation of their peers’ voices have led to significant and sustained improvements to the way their course is delivered, supporting an improvement in student experience.
Their contribution to clinical practice is also measurable via their electronic placement documentation. Practice partners, people who use services and their carers have provided the following feedback around this individual’s clinical performance –
They have demonstrated excellent organisation and time management skills during their placement. They are kind and compassionate towards patients and their families and work well within the MDT. These are excellent transferable skills to take forward
They communicate wonderfully and will make a fantastic qualified nurse.
For their Level 5 simulated placement they undertook a team community project providing healthy eating recipe cards to a local foodbank to supply to families to inspire healthy meal preparation using the food produce provided. This was created in multiple languages with consideration for the local community utilising the food bank. The feedback from the staff at the foodbank was extremely positive and they were extremely grateful.
How it inspired others:
This individual inspires peers in all that they do. They are a central and valued member of their AA group and also within their wider cohort. They are visible, engaged, supportive, approachable and will readily answer their peers queries and professionally represents their voices across the relevant channels.
Their peers are inspired by their organisational skills and ability to balance full time parenting with full time study on a vocational course requiring completion of 2300 theory hours on campus and 2300 hours in clinical practice alongside their academic and family commitments.
I doubt this individual comprehends the positive influence they have on their peers as they are a calm, humble and quietly spoken individual, who just cares about others and will be able to (and already has) contributed so much to their chosen profession of child nursing. A very welcome member of the Sept 2021 cohort of child nurse students.

Cameron Sewell

College of Social Sciences and Arts

Photo of award winner holding certificate and trophy

What they did:

This nominee took on the role of student rep at the start of this academic year and has taken on every opportunity to voice for their cohort and enhance their own development. This student has taken part in gaining the other student’s voice on topics such as employability and teaching, learning and assessing. They have then voiced the student’s views in a Student Rep meeting and within a meeting with the HE staff team to discuss their opinions and ideas. This student was an advocate for overcoming dyslexia, supporting other students with additional needs, meeting other students, and enhancing their employability skills. Despite the intensity of their degree, this student has been so enthusiastic with enhancing not only their own employability but other students as well. They are a breath of fresh air in the classroom, positive, bubbly and inspirational.
What was the Impact?
They have given all students on their Degree a chance to enhance their employability. They noticed a lot of students just wanted to be a teacher because they were not sure what other options were out there. They have worked closely with their personal tutor to get guest speakers into their University Development sessions such as students who are becoming Speech and Language Therapists, Teachers and Ofsted Inspectors. The rest of the students have thoroughly enjoyed these guest speakers and it has opened new doors and opportunities for them.
How it inspired others:
This student’s enthusiasm radiates throughout the group and has helped to inspire others. Other students in the group have loved hearing of different experiences and career opportunities after their degree pathway. The student rep is always in university and there to support, help and advise others. They have also made themselves available for future meetings and supporting other student reps too. We are very proud to have this student on our student rep team.

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