Innovation and Entrepreneurship Award – 2024

Awarded for demonstrating outstanding Innovation, enterprise and/or entrepreneurial activity.

Presented by Pam Liversidge OBE – Honorary Doctorate

Owen Rowland

College of Business, Technology & EngineeringPhoto of award winner holding certificate and trophy

What they did:

They embarked on a transformative journey in the digital landscape while navigating the challenges of being a university student. Despite juggling academic responsibilities, they initiated a career shift from working in the IT industry after college to starting their own business at university, demonstrating resilience and determination to succeed.
Their approach to digital marketing, including Web Design, Digital Advertising, and Social Media Content, showcased not only technical prowess but also a profound understanding of clients’ needs. Their commitment to supporting small businesses set them apart, emphasising a hands-on, client-centric approach.

What was the impact?

The impact of their efforts was significant. Within twelve months, they expanded their client base from 4 to over 10, reflecting substantial growth. Over 80% of clients engaged for more than 6 months, illustrating their dedication to fostering long-term relationships. In 2023, despite the challenges of being a full time high achieving student, they generated over £250,000 worth of leads for clients, underscoring his effectiveness in delivering tangible results. They have been able to help coach their friends also by being able to lead of various it and digital marketing modules which results in a huge success.

How it inspired others

Their inspiring journey becomes even more remarkable when considering the hurdles they faced while balancing challenging university commitments being a course representative and taking part in other extra curriculum certification to further boost their knowledge. Their ability to overcome these challenges and sacrifices of their free time, coupled with their outstanding innovation and entrepreneurial spirit, makes them exceptionally deserving of the award.

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