Hallam Spirit Award – 2024

Awarded for capturing the “Hallam Spirit” and/or contribution to the Sheffield Hallam Community by working collaboratively, showing compassion, support, and/or kindness to fellow students and/or Hallam Staff. 

Presented by Helen Best – Dean of Academic Strategy

Oladipo Olowe

College of Business, Technology & Engineering

photo of award winner holding certificate and trophy

What they did:

In alignment with the Hallam Spirit Award, the individual has undertaken several key actions that significantly contribute to the Hallam Community. Playing a pivotal role in fostering a collaborative and supportive educational environment as a course representative for the course’s January 2023 cohort, providing mentorship and academic support to peers, a crucial factor in enhancing the overall student experience and academic success. Additionally, the individual has been proactive in advocating for student rights, effectively communicating and escalating issues to the course leader and departmental representatives. This action demonstrates a strong commitment to ensuring a fair and responsive academic setting for all students.
Beyond these academic-focused activities, the impact has been recorded in various capacities, including serving as a student ambassador with marketing and recruitment, international experience teams, course open days, clearing operations, postgraduate mentor etc. Actively promoting the values of the university, particularly focusing on inclusion and diversity through these roles, thereby enriching the university’s community. Furthermore, as a student engagement assistant with the Hallam Student Union, the student has been instrumental in promoting union programs, gathering student feedback, and addressing concerns, thereby playing a key role in shaping policies and initiatives that enhance the student community.
What was the Impact?
The impact of the individual’s contributions, in alignment with the Hallam Spirit Award criteria, is multifaceted and significant. Being a course representative for the course’s January 2023 cohort has exemplified leadership and fostered a sense of community and togetherness. The mentorship and academic support initiatives have greatly enhanced the educational experience and well-being of other coursemates. Moreover, the advocacy for student rights and efficient communication with faculty members demonstrate a strong commitment to student welfare and academic integrity. This approach has not only addressed immediate concerns but has also contributed to a more responsive and student-centric educational environment.
In addition, the extensive involvement in various roles, including student ambassadorship and engagement with the Hallam Student Union, has been impactful beyond their immediate academic circle actively promoting the university’s values, particularly emphasising inclusion, and diversity, which resonates deeply with the tenet of the Hallam Spirit Award. Efforts in gathering student feedback and actively participating in initiatives that drive policy changes or enhancements within the university underscore a proactive and impactful approach to student representation and community building. The recognition of contributions through the receipt of all three Hallam awards attests to a meaningful impact across the university community.
How it inspired others:
The actions of the individual in question have served as a significant source of inspiration in the Sheffield Hallam Community, embodying the essence of the Hallam Spirit Award. Demonstrating exceptional leadership and commitment by volunteering as a course representative, and inspiring peers with their dedication to academic support and mentorship. This has not only aided their peers academically but also motivated them to engage more actively in their educational journey and be more involved. By advocating for student rights and diligent communication with faculty has set a powerful example of proactive student representation. This has encouraged others to voice their concerns and participate in the decision-making processes, fostering a more inclusive and responsive academic environment.
Furthermore, the individual’s extensive involvement in various capacities, such as student ambassadorship and working with the Hallam Student Union, showcases a multifaceted approach to community engagement. Promoting university values, particularly inclusion and diversity, has motivated others to embrace these ideals, fostering a more diverse and accepting community. By actively gathering and addressing student feedback and concerns, It highlighted the importance of student voices in shaping university policies and practices. This has inspired others to take a more active role in community dialogues and contribute towards positive changes.

Asli Garane

College of Health, Wellbeing & Life Sciences

Photo of Award winner holding certificate and trophy

What they did:

This student is one who will throw themself into any opportunity to help others. Their selflessness ensures they are able to maintain a good study/life balance, all while inspiring others to achieve their maximum potential. They have been a mentor for black British students since they start their studies at SHU, they have been able to meet with mentees online and in person, giving personalised campus tours and ensuring mentees feel like they fit in at SHU. Additionally, they represent the Minoritised Student Groups at open days, giving their own time to answer questions from prospective students who are concerned about studying at SHU due to the colour of their skin.
This student has also co-led the ‘Sheffield Diverse Voices in Healthcare’ conference and was a headline speaker. This was in their first year of studying at SHU, which shows the ability this student has to empower others, not just students, but staff as well. They have used this knowledge gained from presenting and leading a team to organise a microaggressions workshop, plan activities for the Minoritised Student Groups and attend fairs. Their presenting has also been useful in front of a camera, they created a video with information about SHU’s Minoritised Student Groups and was the face of a ‘Managing your time for your studies’ video for the SHU Progress team.
This person also attends safe space drop ins and has supported peers in a very compassionate and balanced matter. They are studying Mental Health Nursing, which epitomises their selfless drive to help others.
What was the Impact?
This person frequently encourages confidence in their peers and in prospective students. They are a co-lead for the Nursing and Midwifery and Allied Health Professions Minoritised Student Group, they work with peers to ensure discussions are forward looking and impactful. Their communication style ensures anyone working with them is full of confidence. Additionally, at open days, their impact is giving confidence to people looking to study at SHU. I have seen firsthand parents and carers also having more confidence after a conversation with this student.
Their proactiveness to develop activities for the Minoritsed Student Groups have benefited many students from a minoritised background and help them tackle a range of problems they have faced. Their work at SHU will continue to have an impact on students and staff for a long time after they finish their studies with SHU.
How it inspired others:
They show no matter your background, you are able to go on and achieve along with inspiring others. The most impressive thing about them is that they have been able to maintain high standards during their studies and placements, while giving so much of their time up for others. They haven’t just inspired students, but they have inspired staff too. Their can do attitude and not being afraid to make mistakes is what has inspired staff. I think this shows the difference they have made. When they leave, it will be a great loss to the university, but a huge gain to the nursing sector.
Their positive energy and trustworthiness ensures the work they do will always have an impact.

Lina Boulghait Azizi El Ouahabi

College of Social Sciences and Arts

photo of award winner holding certificate and trophy

What they did:

This final year international Masters student truly captures the “Hallam Spirit” by showing enormous compassion, support and kindness to fellow students and Hallam staff while overcoming significant adversity themselves. The student has an extensive learning contract but manages not only to overcome these challenges and achieve success academically but also to help many others on the way.
Some of the numerous examples of their compassion and support include: unselfishly supporting several undergraduate students in the studios/classrooms with their work on resubmissions during the summer (which was only discovered when multiple undergraduate students mentioned this Masters student in their academic advising sessions as the main reason for their successful progression into their final year); they were the main person behind the exhibition of their peers’ work at the Millennium Galleries as part of Science Week, which received over 400 visitors in one evening (and, while working on this, they also without hesitation covered for another student who wasn’t able to contribute due to sudden illness); based on their course work they organised educational workshops with children back in their own country; they readily offered support to one of their peers who, during their international field trip, had an emergency and had to go to the hospital, which was, of course, also an enormous help for the Hallam staff who were leading the field trip.
What was the Impact?
There is not only one impact but several: they not only directly supported the success of their junior peers (as reported by them), but also showed that, even when struggling and going through difficult times themselves, it is still possible to help others, which is truly inspirational for other students; they applied the learning from their course to impact on children in their own country while still being a student; they were responsible for the success of an exciting public event in Sheffield, contributing to the reputation of the University and the confidence of the other students; the help they provided to one of their peers during a serious emergency while abroad contributed to the well-being and recovery of the student.
How it inspired others:
Because of the above mentioned points and their enthusiastic nature even while facing serious adversity themselves, this student has been an inspiration not only to many other fellow students but also to Hallam staff, for several years. Having studied for their undergraduate degree at Hallam and now being a final year Masters student, this international student faithfully encompasses the true meaning of the “Hallam Spirit”.

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