Leadership Award​ 2022

Awarded for displaying outstanding leadership qualities and making an impact.

College of Business, Technology and Engineering​
Amelia Tuxford – BA Hon Business and Human Resource Management​

What they did​
“Whilst studying at SHU, they have taken part in numerous extracurricular activities. For example, they have been a member of the committee for an academic society for 3 consecutive years, eventually becoming the President of the society. They also became a Course Representative during level 5, whilst working part-time and taking part in the Career Mentoring Scheme. Following level 5, they did an industrial placement with a public sector organisation, where they completed several projects including creating the People Managers Network and they contributed to the Graduate Scheme Improvements project – a project aiming to improve the Graduate and Placement Scheme for future cohorts. Throughout their time at university, they have continuously tried to develop themselves professionally, through attending careers meetings, interviews and assessment centres, and completing courses to improve their skills. They have also volunteered at the RSPCA, and took part in a voluntary consultancy project with the RSPB. All of these activities have enabled them to achieve the Gold Hallam Award, and secure graduate employment in their chosen subject area. ​

This individual has such a positive impact on others.  This person is the chair of their academic society but beyond that they are a fantastic role model through their approach to learning – which impacts positively upon the approach for the whole class.  This person will put themselves out to engage in activities that they don’t need (as a strong first class student) but because it will benefit others e.g. asking questions on a discussion board when they already know the answer.  They are also deeply valued by their course mates and at a course based awards their peers voted them the first to become a HR Director and this is why.”​

What was the Impact?​
Being a Marketing Officer for an academic society contributed towards the engagement of attendees and encouraged people to attend events. Becoming the President of the society allowed them to lead and support a committee, helping to improve their leadership and confidence whilst shaping the society and contributing to the success of it. Hosting events related to the subject area allowed other students to gain knowledge and network with industry professionals. Being a Course Representative meant they acted as a student voice and represented the views of their peers on their behalf. Taking part in the Career Mentoring Scheme and attending career-related events showed drive and commitment to CPD. The projects they were involved with whilst on placement enabled the creation of a network designed to support line managers. ​

As a result of this network, line managers within the organisation now have exposure to monthly meetings led by guest speakers, based on topics which they suggested they wanted to learn more about, as well as a forum to connect with each other and a buddy scheme. This will help them to carry out their roles more effectively and feel more supported. The contributions they made to the Graduate Scheme Improvements project will also improve the experience for future cohorts.” ​

How it inspired others​
“They have inspired others to take part in the Career Mentoring Scheme through expressing how it has helped them individually, particularly with securing a placement. They have inspired members of the society committee by showing strong leadership and supporting them with their individual roles, which will encourage them to continue being involved with the society in the future. Completing these activities whilst studying and working part-time has shown other students that success can be achieved if you are willing to work for it. ​

For me it is all about role modelling, supporting, nurturing and engaging their peers.”​

College of Health, Wellbeing and Life Sciences​
Harrison Warke – BSc Hon Sport Business Management​

What they did:​
“Watching this student develop throughout their UG journey has been a real privilege. They have taken so many opportunities and been everything we could ask of in a student. They demonstrate leadership amongst their cohort by attending extra curricular activities and asking insightful questions of guest speakers, they were part of a team that took part in a Hackathon, competing against some of the top universities, they have engaged with the employability services and really made the most of the support on offer. They had an excellent placement, really impressing their placement host with their willingness to learn and develop, they were given leadership responsibilities very quickly into their placement. All of this hard work has led them to secure a place on a highly sought after graduate scheme. I am very proud to be their AA.”​

What was the impact?​
“The main impact is on the personal, professional and academic growth of this student. They started at SHU as a shy student, but they leave us as a confident person who has so many opportunities to look forward to. They fully deserve their graduate scheme job.”​

How it inspired others​
“This student really has led by example within the cohort, he has encouraged others to attend extra curricular activities, worked alongside masters students to help develop both sets of leadership skills and is willing to work with a range of staff on staff led projects.”​

College of Social Sciences and Arts​
Elin Ivansson – PhD English​

What they did:​
“Throughout the pandemic, this student took the lead, found funding, and created a virtual space for students in Humanities to gather. This started out online, during the lockdowns, and then moved to an on-campus weekly session to welcome students back to campus, and give them a space to meet, share experiences, and form a stronger, inclusive, and supportive academic community.”​

What was the impact:​
“These spaces meant that student had a place that they could gather to meet course mates, share experiences, ask for a give advice, and experience the kind of academic community that is so important to university experience. Some students had never met their course mates — some were really missing the chance to catch up and just chat that wasn’t possible during lockdowns. Then, in this year (2021-2), the sessions – which had responded to student interests to include online interactive gaming, book clubs, creative writing workshops, and experimental crafting – returned to campus! Keen to ensure that everyone could participate, this student kept the online rooms open as well – running both each week so that students who couldn’t come in to campus could still meet up and share time. It’s meant that our academic community has not only continued through a really challenging time but had a chance to grow and develop in really exciting ways for the future.”​

How it inspired others:​
“The work has inspired students to return to our beautiful student-spaces in our department; it’s inspired students to try something new – from creative writing to book-art. Students have had a chance to speak to not only their course mates, but post-graduate students in the Humanities, which has provided an important source of inspiration for further study and an opportunity to share their passion for their subjects.”