Sources of Research Methods training and guidance include:

Online courses (register for access first at using your SHU email address and token 1b54d4f6).  Full information on accessing the training can be found on

NB the links below will take you directly to each section of the programme but you need to be logged in to your epiguem account first (you do not need to pay to access these courses).

Statistical Methods – Biomedical Sciences / Business / Engineering / Natural Sciences / Social Sciences

  • Introduction – Statistics in the context of research (135 mins)
  • Thinking statistically – Describing data well (105 mins)
  • Thinking statistically – Making good generalisations (115 mins)
  • Which hypothesis test should I use? (108 mins)
  • Statistical modelling (101 mins)
  • Analysis of categorical data (91 mins)
  • Conclusion:  Putting your skills into practice (86 mins)

Individual support and online resources are available for maths and stats via the library skills pages.

Specific modules on the MRes Social Sciences programme may be available to you

SAGE Research Methods (log in via institution)  – a large online research methods library including a Methods Map

UK Data service guides and resources – the UK’s largest collection of social, economic and population data resources. Data Skills Modules Upcoming events

LinkedIn Learning has expert-led course videos and an app that you can use on your Android or Apple devices including Nvivo 2018 Essential Training and SPSS Statistics Essential Training. Please refer to the instructions on how to create your account.

You can find out more information about Quirkos software by watching this short video.

Local provision may also be available via your Research Institute PGR team